(demon boyfriend)



4 years, 1 month ago


very carefree and airheaded. pays attention to nothing and is constantly hungry. he really likes hanging out with people, he'll talk to anyone who will listen

the type of demon he is is the lower class ones, they're the children of the devil and serve no purpose other than to be eaten. they're food for the real fallen angel demons and for each other, meaning the demon bf has only eaten his own siblings for his entire life, cannot properly live on anything else, and so on earth has an insatiable taste for raw meat and blood and frequently finds himself drooling over Harriet (he does not want to) or hunting down neighborhood pets. this gets him in a few close scrapes with Peter as the guy finds out he's there pretty quickly by the cat carcasses. his insatiable hunger he and Harriet never actually link to the raw meat demon thing, and so he is just constantly eating to try and satiate the never-ending hunger pangs.

i draw him a few different ways, mostly just his eyes change I think. sometimes they're just skin, sometimes they're all black, sometimes he's just got regular eyes. sometimes he hasn't got eyebrows. sometimes his horns are long, sometimes they're short. sometimes his skin is pale, sometimes it's red. the way I draw him just always changes, and there's not really any reason for it