
Gender: Female

Age: 500s

Birthday: ???

Height: 4' 12"

Hair color: Dark Blue

Eye color: Gold

Sexual Preference: None

Job: Miracle Worker and Private Magic Worker

Loves: Christmas, Fresh Muffins, Kindness paid back

Hates: The Order, Broken Stoves, What she sees as "Evil" magic

   Abigia is a magic user under the Creed of Prometheus, one of the very few that have decided to live on their own to keep safe. Originally born in the 1600s, she was born near the tail-end where the church was on the hunt for mythics and people who knew magic. When she became a teenager, she decided to learn about magic and try to practice more with it. As with most Creed members of the early days, she was given immortality after a trial of fits and wits.

   Eventually, she went into hiding, traveling across the ocean later on and changing her identity many times over. The centuries of living like this have often grown weary on her, sometimes struggling to push forward. So in the meantime, she often finds work for herself. A commonplace to see her work is the soup and/or bread lines, helping in the kitchens and with the people in need around her. She still practices magic and even rarely teaching it to others (the goal of the Creed) due to the strictness of The Order's cover-ups of mythics and magic to the greater world.

   Those that do know about her call her a kind and tender person. Going out of her way to help those in need while not caring about her well-being more often than not. The last thing she was known for doing was teaching a homeless and newly freed genie magic after her knowledge was locked away after her freedom, only for weeks to months later to be killed by one of The Order's Cloakers. Leaving behind a lasting effect on the communities she's worked in.