


4 years, 1 month ago



Persona: Light That Fades Slowly, isn’t the nicest or most sociable cat you’ll meet. He prefers to keep to himself and stay alone. He is protective over his Tribe, and will lay down every life he has to protect his Tribe. He doesn’t really show his more, ‘cheery’ side to others unless he’s with someone alone and they trust. Light doesn’t like showing that side to others, he is paranoid that others will see him soft and not fit to lead the Tribe. He does have a dark sense and does make crude jokes here and there on occasion but he rarely does it now, since he's a Tribe Leader. Light likes to keep his sexuality a secret, since his Father -The Former Tribe Leader- would try to force out of him. Light does have trauma from the abuse he received from his father. Light is scared to start a family himself, he rather adopt a kit but he’s afraid of being a bad father or caretaker. He also doesn’t become flustered easily, he’s a hard chestnut to crack! 

Description: Light is a very handsome Tom, with a unique tabby pattern. His fur consists of dark grays and black. His ears and legs are a dark gray, with black stripes on them, while the rest of his body is a dark gray. He has a strange star mark, that is a dark gray on his forehead. Light has dark gray patches under his eye, making him look tired. His eye is a bright amber, and his eyes are narrowed slightly. His nose is a black shade, and the inside of his ear has a purple like color. Light is a large, broad shouldered Tom That towers overs his clan mates, but he is a gentle giant some may say.