


7 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info




Very Old (host was 20 y/o tho and stopped aging since then)


All are fine



- Highly curious and likes to learn new things
- Very playful and enjoys spending time playing with people
- Extremely goal driven and often loses track of other things when they're busy with one thing
- Vengeful, if they think you wronged them or someone they care about, they will take revenge no matter what
- Has a hard time admitting fault and is very prideful, once they started something they have a hard time stopping even if they know they shouldn't be doing this
- Very excitable and quick to make new friends
- However while friendly, they're not very quick to respect someone and really value them
- Somewhat bad on picking up on social cues however they're not unempathic


A bit of condensed history:

They used to be a god that brought good luck to the kingdom they resided in and would support the king/queen of the country and stand by their side making sure to bring prosperity to their kingdom together. This made nona's image a sign of good luck up until a certain point where they deemed a newly crowned king unworthy of their help, going as far to kill the man and over a 100 soldiers who defended him by ripping the hearts out of their bodies.
Nona, believing they protected the people from an awful king, was now feared by the people and was branded a demon instead. Confused over this new title other gods had heard of the slaughter and sealed Nona for hundreds of years, believing them to have gone berserk and no longer serving their purpose well.

Angered, Nona vowed to take revenge on said gods when they would break out of the seal, but first they would need to not get caught immidiately and return to former glory. Figuring the best way to do so would be to take over someone's body as they would be harder to detect that way, so with what little power they had, they lead people to the place they were sealed and played with them, eventually finding the perfect host to take over and becoming good friends. When the time arrived they took over and made their way on their own quest for revenge, strongly holding on to that and that only.

Traveling from kingdom to kingdom, world after world, making sure not to destroy the really big places so they wouldn't get noticed too fast, they would eventually end up in Ivalice.
Finding out an old friend of them lived there, nikko, they decided not to wreck the place immidiately and instead made his new mission to convince his old friend to help him in his quest for revenge. Nikko told them he might think about it if they helped clean the mess he made in Ivalice to which Nona reluctantly decided to enlist himself to help Kokuo out to protect the place.

Now living in Ivalice Nona has actually been enjoying himself quite a lot, making sure no one notices who or what he is, and slowly losing sight of what his actual plan was.

Very condensed and I could talk on hours end but have this for now!