Dorian (Powers and Weaknesses)



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Dorian is immortal, though I imagine that's a given. He doesn't age, it's extremely rare that he gets sick, and lethal physical damage will heal. Stabbing him through the heart will only paralyze him from the chest down, due to how many times that's been tried on him. He's built up an ability to move his head and arms to pull out whatever has impaled him. He'll bleed, but bleeding out will only put him in a blood frenzy, not kill him. Garlic only smells bad to him. And sunlight will only give him a sunburn if he's in it for too long. His past has given him a forced tolorance for sunlight. He of course has unnatural strength, speed, healing, and senses. Especially when it comes to blood or heartbeats. He can also fly, thanks to levetational magic. He can shapeshift into various creatures... usually I've seen him as a swarm of bats, once as a dog, once as a raven, and once as a dragon. I believe I heard him say once that he can influence others through physical contact, though he said it was by accident and after discovering it, he'd never do it agaiin. He has... I wouldn't call it a control over animals, but more of a... what do they call it? A Whisperer? He can calm creatures and tame them. Bats he can control, as well as ravens. I've also seen him use some form of psychokinesis, pyrokenisis, invisibility, throwing his voice, walking on walls and ceilings, astral projection, luring, necromancy, teleportation, magic, and a mess of other powers he's learned through the years. He has night vision, the darkness rarely hinders him. Same with blood, he has a bit of 'sight' for it, even if someone is hiding behind or under something. He also has some level of telepathy and telekenisis, even without feeding from someone. When he does feed, he has the ability to gain one's memories and physically control them. Same as Raizon, though I've never seen him use such abilities on anyone. Mostly because he rarely lets himself feed on other for such a purpose. Then of course... he can 'turn' others through biting. Only feeding, won't turn anyone. But actively injecting his venom into them will turn them. Doing so will alow him to... influence and control them.

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