Cloud Colvi



4 years, 1 month ago


Name: Cloud Colvi

Age: 18 years (Arc 1), 19 years (Arc 2)

Birthday: September 9th

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 128 lbs

Gender/Sexuality: Demiboy (he/they), Panromantic Asexual (has a partner)

Basic Bio:

Cloud is a soft-spoken, mostly secluded calico cat. He is usually an emotional cat, but on his birthday, when he bonded to a dangerous Drake spirit, he bottled up his feelings to keep them in check. He's a truly kind-hearted kid that loves his friends to death and adores his family. He has the closest relationship with his older brother Pebbles, and admires his unique Drake pairing.

Cloud Colvi is the middle child of a small family known as the Colvis. As a part of their coming-of-age traditions, thanks to Cloud's many-greats-grandmother, Anjelica Colvi and her discoveries, once a Colvi hits their 18th birthday, they and their family partake in a ceremony where the newly-dubbed "adult" Colvi becomes bonded to a Drake spirit, a magical native of the ethereal realm. Cloud's ceremony went according to plan, except the random Drake that bonded to him was malicious; the Drake, Zephyr, is called the Drake of Chaos, or the Drake of Discord, and uses Cloud for his own personal goals- to rid the world of balance and destroy what his enemy, the Drake of Magic Alabaster, tried so hard to create.

Andi and Cloud have been friends since elementary school all the way up to their senior year of high school. How they stayed so close is still a mystery to the both of them, but Cloud couldn't be more thankful to have them in his life. Cloud never developed natural magic, such is the case with all Colvis, instead relying on their bond when reaching adulthood to give them magic. With his bond, Cloud now has the power to shape reality in any way he wishes, usually changing the colors of objects for a short amount of time and making things bigger or smaller.

Fun Facts:

- Cloud has a bad habit of collecting/hoarding stuffed animals, because he has a problem with cute things. Whenever he sees a cute, soft thing somewhere, he immediately tacks a name onto it and becomes obsessive over it

- Cloud has an allergy to dust, so no matter where he is, he tends to cough often.

- Because he inherited his mother's long fur, Cloud has trouble spending time in warm environments. He tends to keep an ice pack in a thermal pouch to keep cool somewhere on his person

- Cloud has the worst sense of direction imaginable. You could give him both a map and a compass, and he will still, somehow, manage to get himself turned around

- Even though he's not the most creative in the group (that title goes to Vickie), he enjoys drawing and sewing stuffed animals


Merlot, Heathcliff (stepdad) - Parents

Pebbles, Mittens - Siblings

Connor, Khloe, Vickie - Friends

Andi - Partner

Zephyr - Drake spirit, source of nightmares