Miya Petrova



4 years, 1 month ago


Name: Miya Petrova

Nickname(s): Mi

Height: 6'1" (8'10" in transformation)

Age: 34

Role: Pro Hero

Hair Color: Grey with Lavender highlights

Eye Color: Lavender

Ethnicity: Russian

Hero/villain Name: Majin

Costume: Armor made of dyneema, fingerless gloves that almost reach her elbow, and a flowing dress

Support Items: many hidden knives on her body

Personality: Can act sweet and innocent and rambunctious at times, very possessive, stern, mature, stubborn, and when she transforms she gets really angry.

Quirk Name: Hell's Anguish

Quirk Description: Allows her to transform into others. It's main ability allows her to transform into her feral form that gives her immense strength, speed, durability, and fire resistance.

Quirk Drawback: She will start to loose her senses and she will slowly go insane. The feral form strains her body and her veins will burst if she holds the form too long.

Pro hero Power: 5/5 Speed: 4/5 Technique: 4/5 Intelligence: 5/5 Cooperativeness: 2/5 Extras: When she turned 20 she lost her memories and when her quirk activated after that she got scared the first time. To calm her down just give her sweets. Likes: Sweets, coffee, animals, and tea Dislikes: Insects Fears: thunder and being alone

Direct Family: A son she doesn't remember

Romantic Relationships: N/A

Background: N/A