Birch (99%)



4 years, 1 month ago


Gender: Female 

Fertility: 99%

Age: Adult

Creator: Kura


Birch is a motherly and protective  hound who loves and adores pups, she will often growl and snap at other hounds that get to close to the pups she is caring for

Birch was raised in a hollowed out log with her mother. She was the only one to survive a big flood that had happened when she was a newborn and her father and sister were washed away and killed by the flood. After a few months of learning and being loved and cared for by her mother she later died due to cancer. Birch was forced to hunt and survive after the passing of her mother, she later found a pack of hounds and earned her place through hunting and giving her kills to the pack as well as fending other hounds from the pack’s territory, eventually The pack leader and members of the pack let her join and she protects and cares for all pups sent to the nursery. When training pups she takes no nonsense and is very strict all pups know not to get on her bad side but she also gives them praise when they do a good job and will huddle them close when she goes to sleep at night.