[General] Rex



4 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


He'll take whatever he can get.



Hair color:

Dark Brown

Eye Color:

Bright (Or as he describes it as, "Violent) Red




Heterosexual (Attracted to women).


Chaotic Good


Rex's personality is that of a stereotypical delinquent with a heart of gold. Usually described as a brute, ruffian, or even barbaric at times, he's got a good head on his shoulders and a strong mind and body to go with it. Although he may also seem stupid, arrogant or hard-headed, he's pretty knowledgeable when it comes ot things he genuinely takes interest in such as cooking and fighting. He's good at memorizing most things and especially good at copying, but he doesn't usually use such talents unless pressured or something important is at stake. He's extremely passionate about the things he does and his reasoning behind them to the point where he would genuinely die for anyone he considered a friend, and would have no regret fighting to the death for them. As easy as he is to piss off, he's just as easy to get determined/pumped up as well. Rex is incredibly trusting, which also makes him gullible to an extent, and doesn't mind it so long as the trick isn't too detrimental. However, one of his many dislikes is being actively used for bad purposes, especially when it comes to harming others and will instantly turn on who has been using him and basically never forgive them. However, he's pretty easy to seduce/persuade in the first place, so long as you know what he likes.

Rex's likes are pretty easy to keep up with. Eating, Fighting, Women, goofing around and helping out his buddies. Games, jokes and other things along those lines pique his interest as well.

Rex's dislikes are somewhat harder to keep up with. Bullying (which he can sometimes be accused of), unnecessary insults (which he also may unintentionally do himself), picking on the weak and taking advantage of others. His also has a terrible peeve relating to his hair, specifically if anyone pulls on it or refers to it as "girly, womanly, feminine" and other such phrases. The first peeve is accompanied by a horrific reflex of a monstrous punch towards whoever pulled/yanked on his hair.

Rex's appearance is usually wearing an open black jacket with gold buttons to close it in the middle, black slacks with purple and white shoes. He also has a favorite pair of finger-less fighting gloves that he wears all the time, no matter what he wears alongside it. Underneath his jacket is usually a white tank top or black tank top, and on his head is a either a pair of his favorite black goggles, or a silk red cloth he wears as a bandanna to something he deems special. Underneath all of his clothes, however, his body is riddled with scars all over, including his face where he has a vertical slash on both eyes and a horizontal one over his nose.

Rex's abilities are only a few, but very potent and powerful. One of his most obvious attributes is his herculean strength that he's never afraid to show off. He can get carried away with it a lot, to the point where he forgets others aren't as durable/strong as he is and sometimes might nudge or jab them a tad too hard. His teeth are notably sharp, and are extremely durable to the point where he has no problem chomping through metal. His main attribute, however, is what he deems his "Heavy Flame" (Or "Hateful Flame" depending on who he says it to). Within his body burns a purple flame like no other. It's thick and heavy, as dense as iron as well yet still blisteringly hot and burning bright like any other flame, being able to spit it out of his mouth whenever he deems fit with little to no problem or soreness unless he does it for a ridiculously prolonged amount of time. As well, he may touch and pick up his flames without any damage coming onto himself. In fact, a way of showing off he likes to use is spitting a fireball the size of a grapefruit into the palm of his hand, and then using his gigantic well of strength to crush and demolish anything within its pass, as if he were the ultimate baseball pitcher. A side-ability stemming from his Heavy Flame is being able to manipulate his  body heat and increase his muscle mass/size. With it, his strength skyrockets depending on just how hot he burns, to the point where he can become an entire foot taller (7') as his maximum size. An advanced ability he has from his flame is condensing it into essentially magma, one way by eating any rocks he may find nearby or (which is a good bit harder) is doing it purely with his own fire, which is usually when he's completely driven by anger and hate. He will almost never reach such a point.

Rex's background is relatively simple, yet complex. He's very poor all his life, and usually does odd jobs just to keep afloat. Money is a decent driving force for him, but he'd much rather have his dignity and pride than deal with a terrible/abusive boss and isn't afraid to stand up to anyone higher than himself. Being entirely without a family, he's made his own with people he's come to befriend over time. Whether it's his posse of lads that follow him around at times, or cooks at a local diner or even just people on the street, he has no trouble making friends and never has. His only fears are being useless and loneliness. For his entire life, being without a family or any permanent friends makes him long for companions who'll stay by his side and to be of use to them. In his eyes, everyone has something to offer even if they're spineless. He genuinely believes that if he can't help his friends, he's good for nothing, especially since he's built up a track record with his temper. Constantly mentioned for some of his negative qualities, he believes that his better ones get often overlooked, which is quite apparent if asking anyone that doesn't exactly know him too well. Even with his insecurities, he's absolutely happy with the sturdy, strong-willed person he is and finds almost no problem in it and loves helping people finding good qualities about themselves and how to use it to their advantage, and even teaching people how to defend themselves. He always loves a good spar and training partner and will always drop what he's doing to help a friend. He loves being showy and will be plenty extra if he so decides the moment calls for it. He may not have much of a story behind him now, but his final goal in life is to leave behind a legend of himself, so he may never be forgotten and that even past his death he can continue to help people strive for greatness, as well as give them someone to hopefully look up to.