Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


Page(s) may contain sensitive content! Proceed with caution!

♥︎» All characters in this ToyHouse belong to me, BleedingColorz ONLY!

♥︎» DO NOT kin to, ship, RP, or use their art without my permission! 
(unless you are the OG creator of said art and are using it as an 
example of your work, that is fine!)

♥︎» DO NOT ask if "____" is for sale/trade/offers unless I have put 
them for offers in the past or they are clearly marked UFT/S. 
The answer is no. Repeated offers on sonas or important 
characters will result in a block!

♥︎» DO NOT color pick, make designs like or inspired by ANY of
 my characters. They mean alot to me.

♥︎» If you see ANY characters outside this TH on any accounts
other then these below, they are 110% stolen and please report to me! 

 BleedingColorz - TH, SBA/PPA 

 BleedingColorzDesign - Insta

 BleedingColorAdopts/Cosmic-Echo /Cosmic-Fang/WolvesDestinyBlood - DA

 WolvesDestinyBlood - CS

 BleedingColor - Artfight

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

Seth is my Main Fursona.

He will NEVER EVER be for sale/trade, period.
I don't care how much money,characters, or etc. 
you offer, the answer is no. I don't care if
he is your dreamie, as I never plan on ever
selling him or even considering serious offers,
thank you. With that said, I would LOVE art
of him - if you have time and want to draw
him feel free to do so <3

Also warning: Mild blood and other stuff on some 
of his art, although it is tagged!

Also up ahead: One very ANGRE BOI™ 

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