


4 years, 1 month ago


depression time, here's an oc

  • I wanna say she's in her mid-to-late 20's, but I'm not really sure how old any of the characters are
  • she's from Calay, which is a little town southwest from the Order's main headquarters
  • spent nearly her whole life helping her foster parents at their inn as a waitress until she got accepted into a special program in the Knight's Order of First Light
  • she was adopted at a young age from the orphanage during the assault by several members of the St. Lucifer's Church, who most likely were trying to kill her or sacrifice her to Lucifer idk 
  • I bet you she's Lucifer's kid, but that's just me speculating until I get further in the story
  • currently a Squire under Kaelan, who's helping her train in order to be strong enough to fight against the demons under Lucifer's rule
  • Second Division member 
  • she's a rather slow learner but she picks up on things rather easily, such as openings and whatnot
  • her Aura is white, which is innocence and protection 
  • however,  she possesses red aura when she gets angry that tends to take over her, almost like she looses control 
  • she has healing magic but she doesn't really know how to use it, so she substitutes with the bare minimum/basic first aid (bandaging, splinting, etc.)
  • she takes pride in her skills and what she's learned/learning from Kaelan, always trying to improve so she can make him proud of her
  • possible Cyd pairing? but Kaelan's pretty cute too