


9 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Lysandra Rocschow




Sword swallower




Hermaphrodite (female pronouns preferred)





Lysa was born into the show business, though she never expected it to be such a big part of her life. She was a happy child, loving to see her parents preform and often trying to copy them at a young age(though it didn't always end well). At age 5, she took on a fascination of sharp objects, suck as knives, swords, spears, etc. As much as it worried her parents(who wouldn't be), they were happy that she may have found her talent in the show. They watched as their little girl grew, becoming not only an excellent knife thrower, but a sword swallower as well. At age 10, she decided that she wanted to move on to bigger things instead of staying in the little family owned circus that stayed in only one place. It was a young age, so she made a deal with her parents. She would keep preforming until she turned 15, then she would be able to move on. They reluctantly agreed, and so she worked and preformed until the age of 15, saving up enough money to at least make a small living outside of the circus. About a year later(16), she cam across a travelling Freak Show. The Freaks looked fun, and she wanted to be a part of it. She spoke to the head of the show, who accepted her. The next day was an off day for the Freaks, and so she decided to show them what she could do. They were amazed, especially one certain girl who had gotten there two years earlier. She spoke to the girl afterwards, learning her name, Mica, fairly quickly. They became good friends after a while, joking and eating together. They are still good friends, and often have a 'girls night out' with the others to get away from the guys. She still continues to preform, loving to travel around the world with her new family of Freaks.