Hayate Tsutsuji



4 years, 1 month ago


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Hayate Tsutsuji

he/him • 17

"Today's is...chocolate or sugar cookies?"

  • BIRTHDAY 3/29
  • ETHNICITY Japanese
  • HEIGHT 173 cm
  • WEIGHT 63 kg
  • SEXUALITY Bisexual
  • VOICE Osaka Ryota


  • Strawberries
  • Small Animals
  • Parks
  • Children


  • People messing with people close to him
  • Getting into fights (even though he can't help it)
  • Seeing people cry


Name in kanji: 躑躅 颯

Nickname(s): Haya (by friends), Haya-nii (by siblings and children)

Name meaning: Hayate - "sudden, the sound of the wind"
Tsutsuji - the flower Azalea, Japanese Hanakotoba meaning: "patient/modest"

School Info:
Year: Junior
Class: 2-A
Clubs: None
Additional position: N/A
Best subjects: Health, Culinary Arts
Behavior in class: Hayate often spaces out in class while looking like he is paying attention. He usually doesn't study because he memorizes most of the things he learns. During middle school, he had to retake several classes in the grade below him under special supervision because he used to skip classes despite the good grades he had. He doesn't skip classes anymore, but spacing out feels the same way for him.
Roommate: Shun Wei
Clique: Anyone who he would get along with. Though, he would most likely spend most of his time with Yamato.


Hayate is quite caring and gentle, often smiling at children. He loves to take care of others and is somewhat of a worrywart; Yamato has described him as a mother hen before. He is quick to anger when someone close to him is in trouble, which has resulted in him getting into fights in the past. He is quite stubborn about his choices, sticking with them until a great amount of persuasion is done. He tries to get along with almost anyone but can't seem to deal with proud people, mainly because he refuses to accommodate to that type of personality. He becomes aggressive when dealing with those people, becoming quite similar to how he was before he met Yamato.


  • General Appearance - Hayate has short, dark brown hair that is braided and tied with a red string with feathers attached to it, given to him by Yamato, at the left side of his head and he has blue eyes. He also has a scar on his left shoulder blade, a result of one of his fights while protecting his sister.
  • Uniform - He wears a standard uniform with the white short sleeve and jacket. He wears both versions for summer and winter with black sneakers.
  • Casual - Hayate is extremely causal, usually opting to wear simple T-shirts and jeans, along with hoodies. However, if he is going out with Yamato, he would try to coordinate with him, opting to be a little more conscious of what he's wearing. He has a special space in his wardrobe just for coordinating with Yamato. He also wears a small blue pendant which was a present from his siblings for his birthday.


  • HOBBY: Fan Dancing

  • HOBBY: Baking

  • HOBBY: Cooking

  • HOBBY: Archery


  • HABIT: Fussing over his friends

  • HABIT: Teasing his best friend Trinh


  • FATHER: Subaru Tsutsuji

  • MOTHER: Akemi Tsutsuji

  • BROTHER: Yoichi Tsutsuji

  • SISTER: Aimi Tsutsuji

  • SISTER: Hanae Tsutsuji

  • BROTHER: Itsuki Tsutsuji

  • PET: Pan

  • PET: Daifuku


  • BOYFRIEND: Yamato Shion

  • BEST FRIEND: Trinh Yukihira

  • FRIEND: Yuzuki Koizumi

  • FRIEND: Haruka Morishita

  • FRIEND: Shun Wei

  • FRIEND: Chenzira Nimr

  • FRIEND: Kana Morishita

  • FRIEND: Hana Morishita

  • FRIEND: Eriko Kamohairo


  • >:/:


  • He used to get into fights when he was younger just because he was protecting his younger siblings. He had more wins than losses because of his stubbornness to not yield.

  • After transferring to BIH, his siblings call him every night because they miss him.

  • When he first met Yamato, he thought Yamato was a girl because of the boy's long hair. It was only after talking to him that he figured out that Yamato was a boy.

  • He took up archery at the beginning of high school since he felt awkward to go back to the dance studio without Yamato, since the boy was studying for entrance exams and took a break from the studio. The instructor often sent him postcards to get him back but stopped after he told him that he was transferring to somewhere else.

  • He keeps a large collection of pictures of Yamato, some taken secretly, and Yamato doesn't know about it. The only ones Yamato is aware of are the ones of him fan dancing.

  • He has dated 3 people before Yamato, but they were mainly a 'friends with benefits' type of relation.



Backstory So Far: BIH After Graduation


Hayate lives in Kyoto, Japan, where his family owns a small, local bakery. His father takes care of bread while his mother takes care of wagashi, traditional Japanese sweets. His parents are often busy with preparing stock for the bakery, making Hayate, the oldest of five, take care of his younger siblings: Yoichi, 2 years younger brother, Aimi and Hanae, 3 years younger sisters, and Itsuki, 4 years younger brother. He took care of their meals and made sure they all went to school. However, his siblings were often bullied because they were being taken care of by their brother, not their parents. After finding out, he often got into fights with the bullies. He would quickly go over to where his siblings were and protect them. Seeing this, the bullies started to pick fights with him and it soon got physical. He often won these fights but the bullies didn’t give up and would fight him whenever they saw him. From this, Hayate was reported to his parents. His parents were shocked at it but didn’t punish him because they thought he was doing the right thing. Soon after that, his parents began to manage their time better to make sure they were in the lives of their children but Hayate was still taking care of his siblings most of the time.

Even so, Hayate still fought with others all the way into the first year of middle school. It was then he was skipping classes, just because he was getting into fights. One day, one of the bullies brought a huge group to bully his younger sisters. Hayate was currently walking over to the girls’ school, only to feel something was off once he saw a big group of kids walk past him. He turns around, immediately noticing Hanae’s flower hair clip. He follows after the group, watching what was going on until they reach a large empty lot. The group immediately starts pulling on Aimi’s and Hanae’s hair, spouting out insults and laughing at the girls’ helplessness. He quickly runs in, punching the one who was terrorizing his sisters the most. A big fight started and escalated. One of them unexpectedly had a pocket knife and they slashed at his shoulder. Once seeing blood, they panicked and ran away. Aimi and Hanae screamed and started crying but Hayate just smiled and told them that it would be okay. A passing by man saw the commotion and led them to the hospital. The doctor stated that the cut was too deep and he needs to get stitches. The girls started crying again, but the man leads them out of the room to call their parents. Hayate just nods at the doctor and got the stitches. Now he has a scar on his left shoulder blade and couldn’t raise his arm up a certain height until the scar healed two years later.

By his second year, he stopped skipping classes since he was force to retake classes so he could have enough credits. His injury was also accounted for and his homeroom teacher advised him to stay in school. It was during this year that he met Yamato, right after the cultural festival. Mesmerized by Yamato’s fan dancing, he went to go find him and ask if he could learn it too. He was afraid that Yamato would run away from him, but pleasantly surprised when he agreed. The two became fast friends afterwards, often hanging out with each other and becoming partners in dance practice, along with Trinh, a girl who they met at the dance studio. The three grew close like siblings, Hayate even thought of Yamato as a little brother to him. However, his view of Yamato somewhat changed after Yamato bid him goodbye before leaving to attend an international school. He began to have complicated feelings but just brushed it off, not really understanding it at the moment even though he began to see hints from their interactions before. He continued on like usual, acting normal in the texts with Yamato, while keeping quiet that he was doing paperwork to transfer to the same school just to surprise him.

So Far: BIH

Freshman Year - Did not attend BIH for freshman year.

Junior Year -

Senior Year - He began to officially date Yamato during the second week of his senior year.

After Graduation

Aenean vitae fermentum leo. Curabitur commodo massa et scelerisque tincidunt. Suspendisse id mollis tortor. Ut tincidunt nibh ut ultrices porttitor. Fusce molestie lacus eu nisi facilisis ullamcorper. Duis ut interdum lacus. Quisque mattis suscipit vestibulum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam pretium finibus lacus vitae varius.

Praesent ultricies justo in velit gravida lacinia. Etiam rhoncus tincidunt dolor quis posuere. Donec faucibus augue eget aliquet tincidunt. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc rutrum vestibulum faucibus. Nullam id sem in magna scelerisque ullamcorper. Suspendisse condimentum quis elit vestibulum rhoncus. In efficitur, massa eu maximus semper, dolor nibh pretium enim, ut pulvinar enim erat ac augue. Integer suscipit nunc laoreet, luctus arcu id, pulvinar nunc. Aliquam et imperdiet risus. Etiam bibendum vehicula orci. Donec vitae nisi velit.


Name Name Name



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