Josie (detailed profile)



4 years, 16 days ago



Very epic quote or lyric.

Name : Josephine Eden Abernathy
Nickname(s) –– Josie, Big Jo
species : jamaican fruit bat
Age : 19
Birthday : December 23rd, 2001
Gender : cis woman (she/her)
Enneagram : 2w1
Sexuality : lesbian
Playlist :content
Pinterest :content

Summary : She’s slightly above average in height at 5’6”. She’s fairly average in build with a slight tummy and most closely resembles a rectangle body shape. Her hair is a dark brown (almost black) color and tightly coiled, springy, and coarse (resembles 3C/4A hair for reference); while her hair may not look long, it’s actually quite long but looks shorter thanks to shrinkage; she does enjoy wearing her hair in braids and wraps. She has medium brown fur with significant grey tones and is lighter around her face, palms, undersides of her feet, and down from her chest to belly. Her face is long and round with large, drop shaped ears and a typical bat-like snout and a lance-shaped nose. Her eyes are dark brown. Her upper teeth stick out a little bit (this detail is optional).
Height : 5'6"
Body Type : meso
Scars : none
Piercings/tattoos : none, but really wants a koi tattoo on her upper arm
Aesthetic : Her aesthetic is mostly artsy and soft with touches of academic and cottagecore vibes; her wardrobe includes: mom jeans, corduory pants, tees (plain, patterned, or with art-related prints), short-sleeve button downs, corduroy button downs, flannels, scrunchies, plaid pants, cami tops, cropped tops, tennis shoes (normally more retro styles of Puma, Reebok, and Adidas), Converse, Doc Martens, turtlenecks (both long sleeved and short sleeved), flowy long-sleeved button downs, oversized jackets (denim and like trucker??), pinafore dresses, wool coats, large tight-knit sweaters, midi & maxi skirts (loves floral and paisley prints!), cool belts, and high-waisted shorts

compassionate . sentimental . jealous

Generally, Josie is the mom friend. She’s good in social situations, has a warm and friendly nature which soothes and eases others, and goes out of her way to help other people and their pains because she would feel bad if she didn’t try her best to help and enjoys giving advice to others.

Although she’s very compassionate, she’s prone to stretching herself too thin and becoming overbearing. She generally puts others before herself because she enjoys the sense of being needed and loved; she doesn’t want to become an outcast or be alone. Her selflessness has muddled her sense of self though, since she wants to fit in and will compromise her identity to keep people happy, which often makes her look fake or people-pleasing to others and sometimes makes her feel conflicted. She also struggles with staying in touch and being honest about her own issues and sometimes secretly wishes other people would return the compassion or at least listen more to her own struggles, and so when feeling low she craves social connection and affirmation, but may feel bad about needing this form of validation despite feeling almost immediately better upon receiving it. Beyond her slightly attention-seeking behavior, Josie can also be jealous in that she unnecessarily compares herself to others and upholds her to external standards, causing herself to feel low or outright bitter when she doesn't meet these percieved standards, and so she swallows her anger and generally acts in jealousy to those she percieves as better than her. She’s affectionate, but occasionally becomes clingy and over-emotional.

Normally Josie is an upbeat and optimistic person. She loves encouragement and she loves encouraging others; dwelling on the negative for too long often brings her down. Her optimism sometimes makes her gullible or brush off details since she’s normally oriented to the big picture but also generally strives to be positive. She’s definitely a go-getter and enjoys planning for her future since it provides a stable sense of direction and a path for her to follow so she can reach her goals, and seems inflexible and rigid when she already has decided her plan and becomes snarky and annoyed when others try to change it. She’s fairly open with her emotions; she’s open and direct in conversation and sometimes becomes gossip-y when she talks about what “so and so” did today and how they make her so mad. At the same time though, while Josie may be open about her emotions, she strives to be restrained and self-disciplined, so she may downplay the intensity of her feelings and hold herself in line with external expectations to how she believes she should feel.

While she values community and generosity more, she also values personal freedom and being able to express yourself but only to the lengths where you’re not harming or hindering someone else’s ability to express themself. She often jokes about her “artistic liberty” in art, but is sensitive to crossing a line and offending others and may sacrifice her own voice to please others.
  • film photography
  • koi fish
  • local art galleries
  • visual arts (painting & sketching)
  • citrus fruits
  • art museums
  • fighter video games
  • quiet mornings
  • wildflowers
  • ignorant people
  • bigots
  • feeling underappreciated or taken for granted
  • art block
  • having to improvise
  • parking
  • diet drinks
Fears : She's primarily scared of not
Habits : Praesent eleifend non nibh id gravida.
  • Has a lot of internalized homophobia due to her upbrining which she mostly expressed denial and self-disgust, but is learning to accept herself more

painting & drawing
love for girlfriend
knowledge of random facts
being chaotic good
making bread

Kenna Boskovich [mother] : August looks up to her mom since she has always been honest and listens to her; she’s really close to her and feels really at ease with sharing her issues with her mom and dancing in jammies at 1 a.m to Bruno Mars with her on a bad day :)
Bren Gibbs [father] : Although August doesn’t see him frequently since he joined the military, she misses him a lot and sometimes wishes others in the group could understand her pain a little more; he’s a little bit of a tough love type of dad and no-nonsense, but super supportive and protective of her, and she actively anticipates the days when he returns home and often will drop everything to see her dad.
Josie Abernathy [sweetest girlfriend] : She still has no clue how she has such an amazing girlfriend, she’s the sweetest girl on the planet and she will always support her art and aAHHHHH.
Tony Webb [best friend] : Even though she had hardly any friends growing up since she always was sorta distant and most kids thought she was weird, Tony always was sweet and genuinely enjoyed listening to her interests and talking to August and so they became good buds in middle school and up and throughout high school.
Pocky Chevert [cool but off putting] : August doesn’t mind Pocky and knows he’s Josie’s best friend and all, but he’s always so quiet and how serious he seems sorta scares her.
Max Boskovich [the now cool cousin] : August used to not really like Max since she was really annoying and mean (and still sorta is), but mostly put that behind her and is cool with her now because they have shenanigans to pull and Max can be a goofy dumbass as much as she is
Carmen Boskovich [the "smart" cousin] : August never was close to Carmen since they don't talk alot, but respects the fact that she can come up with good plans to get them out of trouble and help explain math to her; she knows she's the braincell of the group but sometimes she sure as hell doesn't act like the braincell of the group.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis tincidunt velit ac tincidunt commodo. Nam nec ligula sit amet neque tincidunt efficitur et dapibus justo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi at massa egestas, dignissim elit ut, fringilla tellus.

Curabitur maximus sit amet neque pellentesque consequat. Curabitur dapibus dui ac fermentum fringilla. Aenean varius ornare urna, non luctus augue tristique a. Donec tortor ex, fringilla sit amet dignissim et, lobortis sed sem. Integer rhoncus lectus erat, in rhoncus ligula rhoncus sed. Nunc pellentesque massa nec orci vehicula malesuada.

code by jiko