


7 years, 6 months ago



Gender: female

Species: Supernatural being

Age: None

Personality: Insane, unpredictable, malicious

Little backstory: Nurse is a malicious being who lives to torment others. For a long time she was able to “work” at an asylum where she snuck away certain patients whom she would torture and kill mercilessly, usually dismembering bodies and disposing of them.

She had this ability where she could focus all of her being on patients and send them into a further state of insanity—and that’s when they saw her for what she truly was. Their vision would blur, like when one spins around in a circle really fast until they’re dizzy and the world around them becomes unclear. The only thing that was visible in the blur was Nurse, except she would be much more monsterous. She resembled a corpse. 

This would lead to the patients screaming frantically at what they saw when they looked at her, and Nurse would only smile kindly and let the other nurses know she would take care of them and put them back into their room. (the rest of the staff would be relieved that they didn’t have to take care of the extra crazy one and they just let Nurse do her thing.) Soon after that, this particular patient would disappear.

This occurrence was dismissed a couple times, but after about the fourth or fifth time it had happened, the asylum staff grew suspicious and scared.

Nurse could see that they knew what she was, so she began walking around, letting her true self be shown to all in the asylum. It lead to a mass panic, and some tried to escape to get the authorities but Nurse was a step ahead every time, and she made them see things that they weren’t really seeing (hallucinations) causing some to run full speed into walls, fall down long flights of stairs, or jump out of windows, nearly all ending in death.

After the fiasco Nurse explained to the authorities what had happened (putting on a show of tears, terror, and loss of her staff ‘friends’) and convinced them that for some reason everyone went crazy and began committing suicide.

Eventually, the asylum gets shut down, and Nurse seemingly disappears, no trace of her ever to be found. But she never left the asylum, as she was never human to begin with. She has long haunted that place, and still does to this day, finding ways to spread rumors about it and luring stupid victims who think it would be fun to spend the night there as a dare or whatever.

People rarely ever escape. Nurse drives them into madness, and if she doesn’t kill them, they kill each other for her amusement.

Special skills: 1) Nurse has the ability to cause people so see hallucinations when in close range. It’s especially effective if they look at her. 2) she can walk through walls or objects. 

Fun facts: Nurse is able to keep the asylum hidden if she desires, which makes it all the more exciting for her victims if they happen to stumble across it.