


4 years, 13 days ago


Name: Elizabeth

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Sexuality: Bi

Status: Single

Personality: Elizabeth is the keyboardist of Star Charm and Junko's friend since High School.  At first glance she can seem a bit uppity and glamorous, but thats just mostly due to being raised in a wealthy household.  She actually cares about her friends/bandmates very much, she just doesn't show it that much...Though there are times when she needs to put her foot down when Junko gets them into trouble.  She is an obsessive perfectionist workaholic and often studies, and practices til she collapses (Much to the dismay of her bandmates).  And due to the fact of her family being unaware of her career, she keeps her hood up when performing

Species: Impim (Closed Species by: Kunmao)

Hobbies/likes: Purple gems, Fancy food, Music

Dislikes: Being called anything besides 'Elizabeth', Her family, Getting dirty

Voice reference: Maki Nishikino from Love Live: https://youtu.be/LWQoHImCyYI?t=38