Iida Akida



4 years, 1 month ago



   Nickname: None

   Age: 17

   Date of Birth: July 15th

   Gender: Male

   Hero Name: Adrenaline

   Alias: The Hot-Blooded Hero

   Occupation: Student hero

   Background: He's the son of Ingenium and the Blood Beauty (ironically), Tenya and Akai! He's a speedy kid who also needs to eat a lot to replenish his energy. When it came to his family, he's orderly like his father but he's much more relaxed around him, often telling him to relax and be more loose, like his mother. Akai is doting towards her son, asking how he's doing and making sure he has enough energy (and extra) just in case. He finds his mother's behavior a little embarrassing but it's a wild world out there, so he understands her worry. As a kid, he almost had no patience with activities, doing them very quickly which would usually result with Tenya catching him and both his parents scolding him. He eventually grows out of his impatience, but it's still evident at times. He has his father's mannerisms of moving his hand, though it's more of finger guns than his whole hand, but he does gesture with his whole hand at times. 



   Hair Color: Black

   Eye Color: Blue

   Height: 179cm

   Weight: 185lbs

   Build: Slim and somewhat built

   Description: He slicks his hair back to decrease his resistance as he runs, and wears glasses similar to his father's. His casual outfits are either athletic wear or some sort of  cardigan/ blazer and t-shirt combo with some skinny jeans. His hero costume is sleek so that he's light, but there are some protective details on him just in case he runs into something too hard or takes a hit from someone. He wears a full helmet to protect not only his head, but of debris that can get into his face (unfortunate occurrences are almost always bugs getting onto his face or accidentally swallowing one while going at mach speeds). His suit includes a tube where he can sip any drink that can give him enough energy to perform his quirk.



       Positive: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

       Negative: 1 | | 3 | 4

       Neutral: 1 | | 3 | 4


  • Getting tasks done quickly
  • Going outside
  • Orange juice
  • Talking about his family


  • Waiting
  • Being careful (it's more like he seems to struggle a bit with being slow and careful, it tends to make him very anxious because of the feeling of messing up)
  • His mother talking about him
  • "Burning out" ( being so low on energy he wipes out for a while until he regains his energy)


  • Sketching
  • Daily laps around the city
  • Cooking (probably the only thing he does that he has patience for)

       Personality: Akida still has Tenya's sense of leadership, but to a more realistic and bit more toned down degree. He likes to be on top of his tasks, and sometimes people think he's being lazy when they find him off on his own not doing his homework but he always responds that he had it finished hours ago. He doesn't like to waste his time, if there's a task that requires a long waiting time, he does something else in the meantime. he has hints of playfulness in his attitude and can be a flirt like his mother when she would fight but he's doing it mostly for his amusement. Tenya's a little iffy about his behavior considering he's not as (uptight) disciplined as he is, but Akai thinks that he's doing just fine on his own.

Quirk and Abilities

   Quirk: Blood Rush

   Type: Mutant

   Description: Akida can increase the speed of his blood flow, causing his skin to become pink in the process. He has increased speed, picks up images faster than the human eye can perceive (I don't know how to say this instead of saying "seeing faster" but basically if something sped by him he can pick up all the details on the speeding object, I guess you can say he can be so quick that everything around him is slower), and generates more blood than a human does. If he bleeds, he can control his blood to shoot as fast as a bullet that can pierce through tough steel. He can control the blood outside of his body, though the amount ranges from small drops to a cup of blood. 

     When he was a toddler that learned how to walk, Tenya and Akai found out about his quirk when Akai wanted to have Akida walk over to her without Tenya, only to find him zooming past by her and Tenya chasing after him. When it came to shooting blood, it was during training with Akai to see what blood abilities he can use.

       + Advantages:

       - Faster healing

       - Heightened reaction timing


       - Disadvantages:

       - He has to eat a lot of food to keep using his quirk, or else he won't have enough energy to regenerate as much blood to flow through him as well as running.

       - Unlike his mother, he can't absorb his blood right back up once he shoots it out of his body.



     - Power: 2/5 D

     - Speed: 5/5 A

     - Technique: 3/5 C

     - Intelligence: 4/5 B

     - Cooperativeness: 3/5 C



          1. A food tank for drinkable edibles with a tube that goes to his mouth

         2. Visor (for sight and protection)

         3. Sharp elbow and knee pads for not only damage, but to cut his finger to shoot blood



   Family: Iida Tenya-Father

    Akai can't help but point out how they're so alike when it comes to how they look and gesture, both being disciplined leaders and have a knack for using hand gestures. Tenya thinks he raised a good son with exceptional grades and great task management skills, but when it comes to his playful antics he thinks he's not taking the situation seriously. Akida tells him that sometimes a break is good every now and then, but he would never want to disappoint his family. When it came to learning about Tenya's revenge story about avenging his brother, he hopes that he doesn't do such a thing himself.

Iida Akai-Mother

     Tenya can't help but point out how Akida's behavior is like his wife's: charming, yet, have a relaxing aura around them. Akai really smothers her son with love and babies him to his dismay, but there are times when she does have to scold him. Akida thinks she's too worrisome but he understands her concern, being their only son and all. Akida wishes he could absorb dispensed blood into his body and shape it like Akai's quirk when he was a child, but he's grown to appreciate his quirk and his skills.

   Friends: Tachibana Tsuichi-His childhood friend. When he was twelve and learned about Tsuichi’s bipolar disorder, he made sure to be there for him when his extreme mood swing drops into a state of depression. He knows that he could just be very upbeat and energetic the next moment, but he insists on being a supportive friend to him during his rough times.

   Love interest:  None at the moment.


   Playlist: ...Sonic...X...theme song?
