
4 years, 1 month ago



Name Hawk
Called Hawk
Age Unknown
Gender Male
Race Lythani
Role Member of the Kitsune Order
Alignment Neutral Good

Charming and desceptive, Hawk is a Lyth that sticks true to his colours. He is not one to be messed with as he won't hesitate to bite back or call you out when necessary. While he may be outwardly open about a great number of things, there's always an air of mystery shrouding him. Who is he really? Where did he come from? What does he really think about something? Few know the answers to those questions, but should you ever be there to see what happens when he drops his own mask then it can surely be said that this paranoid idiot likes you.


  • Kim Chi
  • Messing with people, but in the kind way
  • Fields of long grass


  • The Shrooms
  • Being told he's wrong
  • Being alone


Many years ago when the Fujimori Kingdom came under attack from the Defiled, Hawk was part of the last ditch effort to protect the Bushido 7. Accompanying his fellow siblings, they fought valiantly to hold back the tide as the 7 retreated to the mountain. Though they managed to succeed, all bar Hawk fell to the waves of Shroom and though he escaped with his life he lost 6 of his tails and with them many of his powers. Weakened and wounded, Hawk had no choice but to retreat into hiding or face certain death. Ever since that day Hawk has remained solitary and ever vigilant, never staying in one place for too long and always making sure to clear his tracks. Though he has healed from his wounds as best as he could, the mental scars still remain. Having to reside in the ruins of the very kingdom he once loved, watching the once lush green forests become dark and twisted, has taken its toll, rendering the once positive and friendly Lyth into a shell of himself, reserved and reluctant to interact with others.

Life before the War


Life After the war




Babo [ Close Friends ]

Both part of the same kingdom and both working to protect the Bushido 7, Hawk became close to the dwarf Lyth pretty quickly. Babo is one of the few Hawk trusts with just about everything, and knows he can rely on the little poof ball to get a job done when it needs to be done. Hawk often regards Babo as a brother of his and would do just about anything to protect him.


Yu [ Protector-Ward w/ Benefits ]

For many years before the fall of the Fujimori Kingdom, Hawk worked as part of the order protecting Yu and the others of the 7. In doing so, he had to work closely with the group in order to properly protect them. While Yu may not know of Hawk's true occupation, it was always clear that Hawk was there as protection as well as company on the odd occasion *wink wink*


Yoko [ Companions ]

As a trickster by trade and by name, it's only natural that Hawk bonded with Yoko. While they go about their businesses in very different manners, they often share their tales with each other. It's often nice for Hawk to hear these tales as being in hiding means he can't get out as much, and Yoko's tales about other kingdoms are always a delight to hear.

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