


7 years, 5 months ago


Nickname Mari
Age 14
work Toymaker

Hiemari is an energetic gal, always motivated to do more on anything she has been tasked with, sometimes to the point of perfectionism. But everything has always come to her easily, so when it doesn’t, she tends to give up just as quickly. She gets somewhat upset at small things, and thinks she has to take care of all the details relating to her work because "everyone is so useless sometimes!"

At the same time, she enjoys causing trouble for others, and delights in their (albeit mild) suffering -- when she's not working on her toys and sculptures, Mari can be spotted plotting how to get her friends with tricks and pranks, and laughing sinisterly at their imagined reactions. Still, she is not one to be too irresponsible: if something goes wrong because of her, she will take the blame for it and try to help fix it. Misery comes best in small doses, everybody.

  • Ice sculptor who takes a mad scientist approach to her craft
  • Her name is a twist on "hiemare", which means "to spend the winter" in Latin.
  • Not afraid to eat fresh snow as a snow cone (topped with a mysterious glowing blue sauce of her own making)
  • A scarily early morning person (wakes up 4am-5am) that sleeps little yet somehow manages to function extraordinarily well


  • Sour things. The more sour the better. Eats it like a champ, no wincing or anything. In fact, she has such a tolerance for any flavor that she could probably bite into a ghost pepper and not die.
  • Small spaces, Kumie live shows, power tools + smooth wood surfaces, yogurt, heist stories

  • Being told what to do in her areas of expertise
  • People she can't figure out
  • Splinters, clocks that tick instead of running smoothly, pencil smudges

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Integer id diam porta, efficitur mi ac, efficitur ipsum. Vestibulum sed quam lobortis, tempus urna sit amet, ornare dui. Aliquam id vestibulum augue, varius congue nulla. Nulla quis arcu ex. Donec tristique purus in arcu sagittis, eu cursus augue scelerisque. Ut a lacus at ipsum tincidunt molestie vel et leo. Integer faucibus velit sit amet malesuada ullamcorper. Pellentesque ornare consequat velit, sit amet sagittis arcu accumsan id. Mauris nisi nisi, vehicula sit amet quam nec, eleifend blandit mi. Vestibulum varius neque vel felis elementum, non dictum ante accumsan. Sed nec scelerisque ante, semper porta nisl. Praesent volutpat leo dui. In iaculis eros sit amet nunc dignissim sodales. Sed at maximus velit, eget scelerisque metus.

Nunc vel viverra eros. Aliquam nibh diam, mollis et est in, imperdiet condimentum lorem. Cras quis nisi laoreet, cursus arcu at, vulputate ante. Mauris tincidunt ligula ultricies metus euismod, eu mattis justo faucibus. Vestibulum interdum blandit tortor placerat porta. Mauris eu mauris metus. Nullam id massa id quam imperdiet vehicula. Morbi luctus neque et purus malesuada pretium. Integer pulvinar et justo ac lacinia. Sed et rutrum ante. Nam ut viverra tellus, sed luctus leo. Pellentesque bibendum dui neque, vitae venenatis quam blandit vitae. Sed ut diam nec velit ultrices eleifend non id ante. Nam quis tortor consequat, ultricies diam a, lobortis arcu. Maecenas egestas nec ipsum quis hendrerit. Nullam ut velit sit amet eros pellentesque laoreet.