Queen of the Bearded Vultures



4 years, 1 month ago




Name: Sativus XV

Basic Information:

Nickname(s): Sativus, Saffron.

Date of birth: Late Spring.

Age: 31 years old.

Height/Weight: 5’4

Gender: Female

Species: Bearded Vulture Humanoid.

Status/Orientation/Preference: Single/Bisexual/Either.

Crush: Neither.


Very extroverted; loves to be around people and just to have fun. Diplomatic and a good tactician; as much as she loves to have fun, she knows when to nut up and take charge. Can’t sit still for too long, usually seen training for bull leaping or training for battle. Can be hot-headed; example if you don't accept a gift from her, she'd get pretty pissed. 

Occupation: Queen of the Bearded vultures and bull-leaper.


Hair color: Pale orange rust to light orange rust gradient. Is known to dye her with orange clay to brighten the orange in her hair.

Eye color: Yellow irises with red scleras.

Skin Color: Mediterranean olive skin.

Health/Ailment(s): Peak health/ None.

Pierc31ings/Tattoos/Scars: Pierced ears/None/A few nicks all of her body from bull horns.


  • Likes: Poppy flowers (her favorite; she likes wearing them in her hair), bull leaping, sports, the color Tyrian purple, beaches, flying, fighting, savillum, seashell picking, bones (it's 80% of her diet), hunting, vanilla poppy seed cake (with honey, no sugar!), flowers of any kind (the sweet smelling ones are her favorite).
  • Dislikes: long winded speeches, chicken (doesn't like the taste), sugar (she doesn't like sugars, only honey), sitting still, napping for more than one hour (she's got stuff to do!).


  • The Bearded Vulture People: based on the Minoan people of Ancient Crete, the vultures are based in a small island where the endangered birds thrive. They mostly hunt on the land and overseas and grow their food and livestock.
    • Exports/Income
      • Saffron: Their island is lush with fields of saffron. Used for medicinal purposes, dyes, and food.
      • Dyes: They are famous for the rare and elusive Tyrian purple where Bolinus brandaris is farmed and killed to make the dye and then eaten.
        • They don't really farm them due to aquariums full of them will just lead them to cannibalizing on themselves.
      • Pottery and Textiles.
      • Bullfighting: many people coming to their island to see the bull leaping.
    • Religion: They believe in the Great Mother, she is portrayed always with a crown of poppies and most priestesses use the opium latex to hallucinate and for religious practices.
      • Poppy: For religious purposes, the poppies are contain in the royal gardens where the priestesses pick and use it for religious purposes. Common people can pick the poppies and use it for their own purposes but it is illegal to sell. 
      • Can be seen in statues holding snakes or a bouquet of poppies in each hand.
    • Appearance: Average to short height with Mediterranean skin tones, their hair is always a white or pale rust orange color. When they want to show their status, they rub clay mud on their feathers to make them look rusty. Their eyes are always the same. They wear clothes that protect their private areas but are usually seen with uncovered chests, even the ladies! Their culture states the female breast is just essential to feed their offspring, nothing sexual about it. The humanoids have black feathering over their ears and very long upper lashes. They have upper torso feathering and some sparse feathering over their stomachs. 
  • She isn't too fond of jewelry, only having gold hoop earrings so her crown is usually a flower crown of fresh poppies. 
    • When royalty are said to appear on her court, she wears a crown of saffron flowers and purple eyeliner made from the Tyrian purple dye.
  • Her name is the species name for Saffron or Crocus sativus and she is the fifteenth individual in her family with that name.
    • Her mother was named Sativus XIV so everyone called Sativus XV Saffron because she doesn't want to be called  the fifteenth.
  • She had one child when she was sixteen years old; her partner was killed during a shipping expedition.
    • Sativus XVI: The Peace Bringer.
      • A bit older than Chickadee's eldest daughter, she's more introverted than her mother but will be a wonderful bull leaper just like her.
      • Can be seen picking saffron flowers and swimming for mollusks.
        • She has written journals about shells she's found and collected around the island.
      • Very intelligent, a good tactician like her mother, and not at all hot-headed. Cool like an iceberg; nothing can really upset her.
      • She had an accident where the nerves in her arm were shot, it doesn't stop her from bull leaping but she can no longer fly because the wing becomes shaky and twitchy.