Kelly Foster



4 years, 1 month ago


Kelly is a fairly active girl. She gets along with just about anybody, including Peppermint Patty and shares a friendly rivalry with her as they're both athletic. She's also one of the few people who likes Charlie Brown and doesn't mind his shortcomings, he's bound to get something right, after all! She is also an adamant animal lover and has her own dog, named Fudge, a brown Labrador Retriever. She enjoys making new friends and interacting with others. She lives with her maternal grandparents, as her parents work far away and as such, rarely gets to see or talk with them, only getting letters from them time to time.

Personality wise, she's tomboyish, adventurous, friendly, social, loyal, brave, bold, protective and determined. She does not tolerate bullies and won't hesitate to get into a fight with one if it means protecting her friends and loved ones.

Her friends are Charlie Brown, Peppermint Patty, Walter Torres, Brian Hayes, Rebecca Hayes, Chester Tomson, Elora Hopkins, Mint Ramsey, Chelsea Richards, Joey Owens, Jodie Owens, Thomas Shaw, Willow Barge, Eric Mike, Daisy Knight, Scarlett Larsen, Stella Larsen and Leo Larsen.

Chester, Elora, Mint, Willow, Eric, Daisy, Scarlett, Stella and Leo belong to Zerack-Rex