Walter Torres



4 years, 1 month ago


Well known for his tree climbing skills and being one of the nicest boys around. Walter is the only child between his parents, some times making him feel a bit lonely without a sibling around. He usually doesn't let things bother him, but even his patience has a limit. He's always willing to lend an ear to those who need it or a shoulder to cry on. The only downside is that he lives next door to a horrible girl named Penelope, often being a victim of hers. When not with friends, Walter will usually find a tree to climb and relax on, often just enjoying the scenery (And to hide from Penelope!). Overall, Walter is someone who rarely gets mad or annoyed, but it doesn't mean he's incapable of feeling them if he's pushed!

Personality wise, Walter is friendly, social, calm, empathetic, supportive, trustworthy, loyal and compassionate. He doesn't mind who he befriends, rather it be a girl or a boy. He will easily feel for just about anyone, given if they deserve it.

His friends are Kelly Foster, Brian Hayes (Best friend), Rebecca Hayes, Chester Tomson, Elora Hopkins (Best friend), Mint Ramsey, Chelsea Richards, Joey Owens, Jodie Owens, Thomas Shaw, Willow Barge, Eric Mike, Daisy Knight, Scarlett Larsen, Stella Larsen and Leo Larsen.

Chester, Elora, Mint, Willow, Eric, Daisy, Scarlett, Stella and Leo belong to Zerack-Rex