Brian Hayes



4 years, 1 month ago


Often called a goodie good shoes, due to him usually being passive and trying not to get into trouble. He rarely gets into fights as a result and usually tries to walk away or talk his way out of situations. However, he isn't weak by any means and will fight if he feels he has no other option, especially if its to protect his sister Rebecca or his friends, but it is still rare to see him even attempt to use violence to solve problems. Overall, he enjoys being with friends and loved ones, including his sister and does whatever he can to make her happy, even if he has to embarrass himself. When not with friends or loved ones, he will usually find a quiet spot and will usually draw to pass the time. He and his sister only have their father, as their mother passed away a few years ago.

Personality wise, Brian is friendly, social, kind, loyal, empathetic and compassionate. He always tries to do the right thing and grows very discouraged if things go wrong or regretful if he does something wrong, unintentionally or not. He rarely gets mad or annoyed, but if pushed enough or if he feels his sister is in danger, you best watch out..

His friends are Kelly Foster, Walter Torres (Best friend), Chester Tomson, Elora Hopkins, Mint Ramsey, Chelsea Richards, Joey Owens, Jodie Owens, Thomas Shaw, Willow Barge, Eric Mike, Daisy Knight, Scarlett Larsen, Stella Larsen and Leo Larsen.

Chester, Elora, Mint, Willow, Eric, Daisy, Scarlett, Stella and Leo belong to Zerack-Rex