Chelsea Richards



4 years, 4 months ago


Well known for her emotional but gentle disposition. Chelsea came from a different school originally, where she was bullied relentlessly and had no friends to speak of. However, transferring to a different school, things changed for the young girl. Befriended by a boy named Chester Tomson (Whom she later dates), Chelsea was able to make friends with the other kids, despite having some rough beginnings (Being too shy to speak at first, being threatened by a bully..). However, she soon finds herself unable to think of being alone again and therefore becomes attached to her new friends, Chester especially. After admitting she grew fond of him, beyond as just a friend.. Things go awry as Chester rejects her feelings, out of a past relationship that went sour. However, after much convincing and being reminded of their good times and moments, Chester and Chelsea become boyfriend and girlfriend, and so far, neither one has looked back. As such, Chelsea adores being with Chester, often giving him much love and affection, as he rightfully deserved. Thus showing, she was the girlfriend he had desperately needed. She lives with her biological mother, a step father and an older step brother and owns a dog named Rocky.

Personality wise, Chelsea is very shy, empathetic, caring, gentle, compassionate, emotional and clingy. However, she's very loyal and will be there for her friends and loved ones, no matter what the situation. She does not have a good relationship with her biological father, whom never wanted to have her in the first place. It discourages her greatly as a result but still tries to move on with her life.

Her friends are Kelly Foster, Walter Torres, Brian Hayes, Rebecca Hayes, Chester Tomson (Boyfriend), Elora Hopkins, Mint Ramsey, Tom Ramsey (Close friend), Joey Owens, Jodie Owens, Thomas Shaw, Willow Barge, Eric Mike, Daisy Knight, Scarlett Larsen, Stella Larsen and Leo Larsen.

Chester, Elora, Mint, Tom, Willow, Eric, Daisy, Scarlett, Stella and Leo belong to Zerack-Rex