Thomas Shaw



4 years, 1 month ago


A well known bookworm and overall, smart kid. Thomas isn't always too keen on making friends, but it doesn't mean he isn't incapable. Due to being taken advantage of due to his intelligence, Thomas closed himself up slightly and finds comfort in reading books. However, he's slowly opened up to a different boy named Joey, whom just wanted to be friends with the blonde boy and not take advantage of him. He's also slowly began to open up to Joey's other friends, slowly but surely. Perhaps through them, he'll relearn to be more open and not close himself off again. He lives with only his mother, as his father isn't in the picture.

Personality wise, Thomas is smart, often reserved, calm, cool, collected, some times empathetic and very mature. He is often called "Nerd" by one of his friends, much to his annoyance but grown used to it none the less. While he's some times socially awkward, he does do the right thing and will help others if he feels he won't be taken advantage of, showing deep down, he does care about others.

His friends are Kelly Foster, Walter Torres, Brian Hayes, Rebecca Hayes, Chester Tomson, Elora Hopkins, Mint Ramsey, Chelsea Richards, Joey Owens (Best friend), Jodie Owens, Willow Barge, Scarlett Larsen, Stella Larsen and Leo Larsen.

Chester, Elora, Mint, Willow, Scarlett, Stella and Leo belong to Zerack-Rex