Credo Scordato (RP muse)



4 years, 1 month ago


Credo Scordato
He / Him Trans man
Artificial Demon

Supreme General of the Holy Knights (previously)
Fortuna Farmer



Noble • Caring • strict • uptight

He is a very noble and selfless and prideful man who cares for his friends and family a lot. Though Credo tends to be uptight and strict, he does mean well. Credo definitely has a different personality for different people. For people he doesn’t know, he’s very serious and uptight, also snaps easily. When he’s with someone he’s somewhat acquainted with, someone like Dante or Reboot Dante, he’s a little serious, but not very uptight, and he’ll feel fine getting loose with sometimes. If it’s someone he has a close bond with like Lucia, he can get very affectionate, sometimes likes to crack (terrible) jokes, and just likes to relax with them. He likes to show very polite and professional ways of affection, such as kisses on the hand or cheek.

A lot of the time, Credo is very to himself, he lives alone, and doesn't talk to people often, but enjoys company when he gets the chance. Though Credo doesn't like snarky people who like to test his patience or jab at him, he tends to have a short temper around people like that. He's fine with close friends doing it, but when its someone he's not close to, he'll get upset quickly.

Credo has a terrible time in romantic or intimate situations, and gets flustered fairly easily. A lot of the time he will avoid or leave situations that get him flustered, and sometimes gets a little short tempered when flustered or embarrassed. Credo doesn't like to be teased about his crush or his lack of knowledge on the stuff around that subject. He also doesn't usually like people giving him advice in those kind of situations, and likes to handle things himself, unless he asks.

Again, Credo is very much to himself, and rarely ever opens up to people and has horrible trust issues. Credo doesn't like talking about himself much, and often tries to change the subject when people try to get him to open up. He does not like showing negative emotions around people, especially sadness. He doesn't like talking about Trauma and likes to pretend everything is ok. He will basically force himself not to be sad he hates it so much.

Credo sees being sad as being weak (only for himself really), and Credo hates looking / feeling weak, so he doesn't like expressing sadness. He's usually very good at hiding his emotions, but if he can’t handle them or resist them anymore they show through, but usually it gets to the point where he just bursts out sobbing, and even then he usually still avoids people even in that state, he doesn't like crying and looking weak in front of people, sometimes he'll just walk away all together.

Credo is so scared of looking weak because he believes that if he's weak, he's nothing. Since he was trained to protect and serve, to be a role model, to be strong during his time in the Order of the Sword, where he was a General, if he isn’t strong, he doesn't know what his purpose is, if he's weak, he's useless. He tends to cover his face when he feels weak or vulnerable.

Credo avoids going Devil Trigger, because it makes him feel guilty of his past. Sometimes Credo has nightmares about his death and what he did, and a lot of times after those nightmares he goes half DT in his sleep, specifically after the dreams about his death, since he was in DT when he died, so his body subconsciously tries to DT. He doesn't like anyone seeing him in this state, since he tends to find it a little humiliating, he also thinks he looks unsettling or scary when in that state, so he waits until it passes over until he shows himself in front of people.


  • Blue and Gold
  • Farming
  • Friends & Family
  • Fortuna


  • Yamato
  • Strangers being sarcastic
  • messiness anywhere that isn't on his farm (ex: inside, on nice clothes, ect)
  • Being laughed at for being oblivious


Credo is an RP muse, and so due to that, he has interactions that would never happen canonly.

Most of Credo's story is like canon, but with a few small things added.

- When Credo was 12, he found out he was trans, and shaved all his hair off

- When going through the Ascension Ceremony, they bribed him with helping him transition, and so during the Ascension Ceremony, and when he became an artificial demon, he also fully transitioned, but still had the scars on his chest from top surgery, due to getting it prior to the Ceremony.

When Credo fell after getting stabbed, one of the randomly spawned demon portals spawned, taking him away, and he ended up on Vie de Marli. Some of the girls on the Island found him, and healed his wounds. What felt like a minute or two in the portal for Credo, was actually 6 years once he got out of it, so technically speaking, Credo was dead for 6 years.

Once Credo fully recovered in Vie de Marli, he finally headed home to Fortuna. He had so much guilt for what he did, and part of the reason Fortuna was destroyed because of him, he decided to start a farm, where he made food for everyone in Fortuna and brought the town dinners and fresh food every once in awhile. Credo wanted to live a laid back life after being dead for 6 years, so farming was perfect for him. 


• Top Surgery scars 

• A big scar down his stomach and on his back from getting stabbed with Yamato

• wears a lot of casual clothes, favorite is plaid shirts

• Occasionally puts his hair into a ponytail
• 5'11


• When overstimulated with emotions, he tends to bang lightly on his forehead

• Last name means “Forgotten, Left Behind” in Italian

• He hates crying so much that sometimes he feels like puking when crying

• Uses medical marijuana for depression and PTSD, Reboot Dante introduced him to it.

• He has nightmares about when he was stabbed and died and it causes him to go half DT in his sleep

• Still owns his old uniform, but doesn’t wear or look at it because it causes him to have bad memories
• Likes reading fairytales
• Credo is a heavy sleeper
• Favorite food is Crepes
• When in a state of panic, physical touches usually help him, whether it be himself touching something / someone or someone else touching him.

• has two dogs, a Great Pyrenees that protects his livestock, and a Saint Bernard, who acts mostly like a therapy dog but occasionally helps him around the farm.

• Birthday is December 24th

• Has a few horses, a Shire named Flower, a Falabella named Bagel, an Appaloosa named Apple, a Kladruber named Poppy, and a Clydesdale named Mango.

• Likes to sleep on Bails of hay or under trees.

• Is a little bit of a clean freak.
Link to RP blog


unknown.pngLucia | Close Friend / Crush

Credo and Lucia are very good friends, and often flirt with each other. Credo literally gained a crush on her after she wasn't mad at him for doing something really embarrassing while he was high. They became close during a trip Credo took to Vie de Marli. Lucia was having troubles with an injured Horse, and Credo came over to take care of it.

unknown.pngDante | Friend

Dante is another good friend of Credo's. They don't talk much, but they both have a silent respect for each other. They like to talk to each other, and Dante likes to give some not so helpful advice, though Credo finds it amusing. They bond over both being a cowboy.

unknown.pngReboot Dante "Tae" | Close Friend

Credo and Dante are good friends, and they share a brother like bond, and bond over both being the older brother. Dante helps Credo get out of his comfort zone sometimes and gets him to try things he normally wouldn't by himself (such as edibles)

unknown.pngMatier | Friend

Credo didn't spend much time around Matier, but always found her entertaining to be around.

unknown.pngKyrie | Sister

Kyrie is Credo's younger sister, and he's extremely overprotective of her. He would do anything for his little sister.

unknown.pngLily | Friend

Lily is a Vie de Marli girl Credo met during his time helping Lucia with the horse. Lily ocassionally likes to bring Credo little treats when she can. Lily has a crush on Credo, and tends to act shy and quiet around him, but he doesn't mind it, though he's completely oblivious to her crush on him.

unknown.pngRed | Friend

Red is one of Credo's good friends. She always gives him great advice, even when he doesn't ask for it, and they comfort each other when the other needs it. Though Red likes to tease Credo about his crush, but he tries to brush it off.

unknown.pngNero | Brotherly Figure

Credo had raised Nero since he was a little kid, and saw him like a little brother. Credo helped and traied Nero to learn how to sword fight. He's very proud of Nero.

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