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4 years, 1 month ago


general banson


male • forty eight • army general

General Banson was born in the city of Mietsu. His father was a farmer and his mother ran the market stall where they sold their harvests. As a young boy, Banson desperately wanted to be a part of the King's army. He took every opportunity to train, looked for jobs around the city that required strength and hard work, and helped his father in the fields when he was needed. When he came of age, he was accepted into the King's army and received several promotions early in his service. When the King's Anima Advisory passed away without leaving an heir to take his place, a call went out for his replacement. Banson applied immediately, and with several recommendations from his superiors, was able to meet the young King. There were several days of tests and interviews, followed by months of studies, but Banson was chosen to be the new Adviser to the King.

A large man, Banson is rather boisterous, and always up for a drinking challenge. He prefers his human form to his Ox form, and thus rarely transforms, but when he does, he's one of the largest Oxen anybody in Mietsu has seen. He likes to tease Lady Yumi, who is the only person he's met that's able to drink him under a table.