


4 years, 1 month ago


"I would love a slice of you~"


Name Cake
Species Unknown
Age Unknown
Height 4'11"
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her/Hers/It/It's
Orientation Asexual
Relationship Status Single

Status Alive
Designer Calicatto
Worth --



Her body seems to be made of cake and other sugary subsatnces. When she is cut open, her insides are made of condenced cake. The flavor seems to be random every time she has to regenerate an area. The parts of her body removed from her are completly safe to eat. Sometimes, jelly also oozes from these wounds. Though, any injuries or mutilations done to her body seem to not have any affect on her. Cake does not seem to feel pain and her limbs regenerate within 1-24 hours. As any injury heals, it smells as though cake is being baked.

Her skin is made of sugar, her hair is made of frosting, but her teeth seem to be made of actual bones. It has been discovered that as she digests victims, she may replace her own bones with theirs. A variety of different types of bones ranging from countless humans and some animals have been both found in the body, or rejected by the body.

On that note, her diet is carnivorous. She is willing to eat animals but much prefers humans. She only will eat what she kills. Cake has also shown a refrence to raw eggs.

Cake has the ability to see, hear, and smell without the need for eyes, a nose, or ears. She also has the ability to detect heat signatures.

The bird (usually) on her shoulder is not of tangable mass, almost like a three dimensional shadow. The bird is never not in contact with Cake's body. It is rumoured to be her soul. The bird is not always a bird, but that is the form it uses most often. It appears to be able to transform itself into any form it chooses. When Cake feels threatened or feels the need to use more of her power, the bird can morph into tentacles and wrap around Cake's body. The shadow chooses when it is and is not tangable to certain objects. It has the ability to carry and destory things that would take much more strength than Cake seems capable of.

Cake is assumed to be ageless. It is not apprent how long she has been alive and shows no signs of aging. She also seems to not have any weaknesses as of now. Her weakness appears to be the shadow bird but there has been no way to figure out how to hurt the entity yet.

Oversized utensils can be stuck through her head. She favors forks, knives, and spoons. She uses these weapons to kill her victims when there is nothing else avalible to her. She will injure herself to stick the utensils through her head for both inserting and removing for use.

She enjoys dresses and outfits with frills. Anything dessert themed she also adores.

Cake is generally a non-agressive creature unless provoked or hungry. When not violent, she enjoys playing games like board games, dress up, or anything having to do with her imagination. She acts very child-like and innocent. Even with this act, she enjoys playing mind games with people. She also seems to know more than she lets on, as she will sometimes remark on things that were never told to her and personal to the person she's spending time with. She will not explain herself and it is unknown as to how she gets the information.
