Ashe Agrotera



4 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Ashe Agrotera










Gray, black


Ammunition magazines






5'8" (1.74 meters)

Hair Color

Dark gray

Eye Color


Aura Color





Beacon Academy


Student (2nd year)




Seth Deshret




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Name: Ashe Agrotera

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Honestly, he's kinda confused at this point. Probably bisexual.

Species: Eagle faunus

Occupation: Student

Place of Origin: Vale

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Height: 5’8”

Eyes: Ashe's eyes are very peculiar, and are also his defining faunus trait. Upon sight, one could tell his faunus heritage, because his sclera is completely yellow. Not an ounce of regular human whites, just amber. His irises are a brighter yellow, and he has two black pupils with the special protecting membrane that help block birds' eyes from particles.

Hair: Ashe's hair is a dark gray. He mainly keeps it in a slightly messy style, with bangs slightly hanging in his right eye.

Body Build: Ashe has a hunter's build; not bulky or muscular, but lithe and lean. He makes up for his lack of pure physical strength in terms of speed and agility.

Clothing: Ashe tends to wear clothes more on the lighter side. This usually consists of a long-sleeved black shirt with a hood, and over that is lightweight silver armor that covers only his chest region. He also wears a pair of armguards. His pants are dark gray in color, with an ammunition belt full of magazine clips around his waist. He wears a pair of ratty but comfortable sneakers. Most of the time Ashe likes to wear his hood over his head.

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Personality: Ashe is a shy and softspoke young man. Due to his upbringing--isolation from humans, and what he's been taught about faunus discrimination--he can be a bit skittish around others, especially humans. Due to his withdrawn personality, Ashe has never had many close friends, and he feels grateful that his team is so close-knit.

He has a mild personality, and he almost never raises his voice at anyone. It takes a lot for him to get impatient, and even longer to become upset. After all, patience is a virtue for all snipers. Against humans and faunus, Ashe dislikes violence, and prefers to stray away from it. He can also be rather weak-willed at times, and can act cowardly in a battle (part of the reason why he’s a support fighter), but he has a strong heart and strives to help his friends in the ways he can.

While having a mild case of social anxiety, Ashe is still capable of holding a polite, albeit maybe slightly strained, conversation with strangers. He has a lot of expendable nervous energy, and so he constantly fidgets and moves around. Holding his sniper close to him helps him calm down, because his sniper has been with him for a very long time.

He worries a lot about how others perceive him (when they actually do notice him lmao). This keeps him on guard constantly, analyzing expressions, movements, and toke for anything that might seem negative.

- Listening to music. It's something that relaxes him, so he does this often.

- His weapon, plus taking care and cleaning it diligently

- Hunting. Ashe has grown up hunting all his life, so it's become something ingrained into him, and a good stress reliever.

- His teammates. His teammates are his closest friends, besides a select few others. They helped him grow more comfortable, and he just genuinely enjoys their presence.

- Robin Russet. Robin both calms him and stresses him out, tbh. Robin has... quite the personality and probably teases Ashe way too much, but Ashe still likes him. And his teammates, he supposes...

- Noise. It's actally a bit surprising, considering his semblance, but he's actually somewhat comforted by the presence of noise. This was kind of born due to his sister's exuberant personality.

- Socialization. Obviously he doesn't hate it, but it's awkward and kind of stressful. It's better when he's around his teammates when talking to other people.

- Close-ranged fighting. Hate is still a strong word for this, but Ashe has always preferred long-ranged combat to close quarters.

- The White Fang. Ashe dislikes what the organization has become. He sees them as having gone astray, so what Ashe hates are the choices they make, the transition from peaceful protest to terrorism. He believes that this violence against violence will only worsen the discrimination in the future.

Fears: He doesn’t have any set phobias or fears, but Ashe is kinda easily startled, by quite the number of things.

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- Ashe is an extraordinary marksman, able to hit his targets with efficiency from a variety of different terrains and distances. Inheriting the eyes of an eagle from his faunus genes, Ashe has a larger field of view, able to maximize the size of his vision compared to a hunan. He is also able to see up to 6x the length of a human's. This increases Ashe’s already excellent accuracy and precision. Ashe's twin has a semblance that blinds, and so Ashe has adapted to being able to make a shot with all of his other senses instead, albeit not that well.

- Ashe is stealthy. As a sniper, it’s crucial to be able to hide from your opponent and shoot from a distance. Thanks to this, Ashe knows how to sneak around and possibly carry out some espionage. This also aids to making it difficult to sneak up on him, which serves its purpose well.

- Ashe is surprisingly good at parkour and freerunning. He’s agile and fast, which helps make him versatile with his weapons.

- Ashe has a good amount of knowledge of the human body and meteorology. After all, as a sniper, this is crucial information to know so he can make a successful shot. He is very observant, and has keen senses, able to pick out small characteristics or weaknesses of both enemies and allies so he can figure out a way to both help and take down.

- Ashe is rather susceptible to damage. His durability is not the best, which is why Ashe tends stay as far away from the fight as possible and support his teams from a distance.

- His physical strength is very low, and his close-ranged combat is kinda weak. Once again, this is also why he snipes. His main goal in a battle is to stay as far away from his opponents as possible but still support his teammates.

- Ashe is kinda bad at melee combat, so he goes with the range advantage and keeps his opponents at bay with his spear. He may have the ranged weapon advantage at the moment, but once opponents slip past, he'll practically be done for. Ashe makes up for his lack of close-ranged prowess with his amazing marksmanship.

- As a bird faunus, Ashe can't see glass very well. He'll fall for fake reflections of trees and clouds sometimes.

Aura color: Gray

Weapon Name: Fantasma (snipernosniping)

Weapon: Fantasma is a high-powered semi-automatic sniper rifle. With a cartridge designed for accuracy and power, its effective range is roughly around 1.4 miles. This sniper has the power to even hit human-sized targets from over 2,530 yards away, but that could never happen, even with Ashe's eyesight. He can consistently shoot at the range of around 200-300 yards, anything higher and many different factors come into play. Ashe engineered this rifle to be able to shoot in extreme conditions, such as muddy or sandy environments. It can hold up to 12 .50 caliber rounds in one magazine, and another 12 in its buttstock. The rest of Ashe’s magazines are stored elsewhere. There is a tactical scope that Ashe often removes because his eyesight is as good, if not better. In its dormant state, its barrel and buttstock are retracted inwards into a smaller rectangle and is usually slung on his back.

Ashe has a variety of different types of bullets. He has his standard bullets, and he also has magazines after magazines of different dust bullets. Lightning dust is used as a good way to stun. He also uses net bullets, which are technically not bullets as they don't pierce. As they get closer to their intended target, the ”bullet” casing breaks apart to reveal a net, sometimes fitted with yellow dust to electrify the opponent. He also has ice, fire, wind, and steam as his other dust ammunition. He has his sonic bullets, where the bullet cracks apart to emit an ear-piercing noise that could stun most opponents, especially if they have heightened senses. He can combine different dusts together to create different sorts of effects. He has all the standard dust types except for gravity. These are all his bullets he has currently.

Fantasma can also elongate into a spear, with the barrel of the rifle elongated in the middle where Ashe can still pull the trigger to fire bullets. Because Ashe is pretty bad at close-ranged combat, he uses Fantasma’s spear form to keep his opponents at bay, with accurate circular sweeps and jabs.

Semblance: Silence. This semblance enables Ashe to completely silence a specific target of his choosing, nullifying the selected target's ability to make a sound. It pretty much creates a pocket of silence around that person or object. The pocket of silence can last up to 1 minute in battle. By concentrating, he can make his semblance envelop a certain expanse, with the maximum distance being half of a tournament arena. Going out of the pocket will take you out of the semblance's effect.

Despite being able to silence things, this by no means renders them invisible. They're still completely seen to the naked eye, and therefore must tread carefully. Also, by enveloping other people or himself inside his semblance, they can’t hear anything, making them deaf, which makes them susceptible to attacks because they can’t hear it coming. Verbal communication is lost during those times, and their whole world is completely quiet until the semblance is canceled.

Reason for Semblance: Ashe has always been a quiet person, with a weak presence to boot. He hated speaking up even when he thought someone was wrong, and so his semblance developed on accident when he tried to speak (but really really didn't want to), and found out that he couldn't make a noise, or hear anything. It very much freaked him out. The semblance stems from his shyness and his preference to stay in the background, silent.

Combat Style: Ashe is first and foremost a hunter, not a Huntsman. Growing up in a hunting village, he’s spent most (read: all) of his life hunting down prey and occasionally Grimm, and this affects Ashe’s fighting style as a whole. This causes Ashe to stray away from a general huntsman's fighting style, and keeps him at a distance. He stays as a long-ranged sniper that supports his teammates from the back for almost the entirety of battles. His pinpoint accuracy coupled with his eagle's vision allows him to make shots with a higher advantage than most other snipers. He uses his knowledge of stealth, camouflage, and terrain to find a good place to shoot from, and is constantly roaming and switching locations so opponents have a harder time tracking him, stopping every now and then to shoot and scout out the battle. Every shot that Ashe makes is not without a purpose, and are always carefully planned. He won't take a shot unless he deems he has an 80% of making it. This is why Ashe abides his time in the shadows, and makes his shots accordingly with his surroundings. And as a hunter, Ashe knows how to stalk his prey and avoid detection, especially regarding the wind and the sense of smell.

Ashe utilizes all sorts of different dust types, as well as some custom "bullets". These are mentioned in the weapon section.

Ashe can also fight with polearms in closer-ranged combat, as his second weapon form is a spear. By sweeping the weapon in large circles, or with sharp stabbing movements, he can strike at opponents quickly, or keep them at bay. After all, Ashe's combat style revolves around staying away from the opponent, or at least allowing no contact, and so he chose a longer-ranged style of weaponry because he needed at least some closer ranged abilities.

He has such a low presence that most people wouldn't even notice that he's disappeared, and adding his semblance in makes it even quieter. This helps greatly with stealth and surprise attacks.

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- Ashe has a boyfriend called Robin Russet, who's a member of team ARGM. Robin teases him a lot. Ashe gets flustered a lot.
- He meeps.
- Has an older twin sister called Phoebe.
- Ashe is alludes to Artemis, the Greek goddess.
           - His last name Agrotera is a Greek word (Ἀγροτέρα) which means “of the hunt”. Agrotera is one of Artemis’s many epithets, whose name usually reminds everyone of the color silver.
           - In Old English, Ashe means ash tree town, and is a variant of Ash, which alludes to the color ash gray.