


4 years, 1 month ago


I believed the skies were doorways home.

Name: Notchkit Nickname(s): None Future name(s): Notchpaw, Notchowl Former name(s): None Age: 1+ moons Gender: Male (He/Him) Clan or Lifestyle: CloudClan Rank: Kit Mentor: None Apprentice(s): N/A
Fur color and pattern: Chocolate tabby with a tan underside and dark speckling.
Fur length: Long
Body shape: ---
Eye color: Yellow-green
Scars: None
Other important details: He has a long face





Likes - Stories
- Stargazing
- Listening to others
- Silent company
- Pondering life
- Playing by himself
- The sound of the waterfall
- Dreams
Dislikes - His nightmares
- The stares he gets
- His personal anxieties
- A world without a sense of magic
- His silence






LIGHTKIT [ Brother ]






IVYSTORM [ Paternal Grandmother ]



"Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here."TBD"

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.


NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.


NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.


NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.


NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.

NAME [ relationship here ]

Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here. Describe your character's relationship, feelings, and thoughts about this character here.


Notchkit was born from a forbidden relationship between Floodspirit and Wishingdawn. Floodspirit was the former medicine cat, and Wishingdawn was a former loner who was taken into the Clan when she was a kit.

Early Life

  • Born on ____, 20?? to Wishingdawn and Floodspirit in a litter of ___.
  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.
  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.
  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.
  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.
  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.
  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.


  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.
  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.
  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.
  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.
  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.
  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.
  • Something that happens in character's story or history goes here.
Voice claim: ---
Fun fact: content
Fun fact: content
Fun fact: content