


3 years, 11 months ago



Name Sayoko Kimura
Gender Female
Age At least buy me a drink first!
Orientation Her heart beats mainly for women
Race Nogitsune
Demeanor Free-spirit
Body-type Hourglass


  • Women
  • Women again
  • Women one more time for good measure


  • Cops
  • Tattle-tails
  • Spoil sports
  • Dogs


Notorious in many villages for thieving markets and bumming drinks off of locals. She seems to live a carefree vagabond life and doesn't answer to anyone but her own whims- although many know her to be easily swayed with liquor. When she's not stirring up trouble with townsfolk, she is probably up in the mountains figuring out where to crash next. Despite her reputation, she is mostly good-natured, but access to magic paired with a loose sense of responsibility don't make a favourable combination, at least not by human standards, especially where law enforcement is involved.

Although she usually appears with dark hair and nine black tails, she will shift her appearance to blend in with normal humans, hiding her demon features. Most of her magic involves illusions and minor charms, such as the ability to distort her appearance and her surroundings, but also to some degree human thoughts and emotions- and she loves using this to her advantage, especially to beguile unsuspecting men. If she's feeling particularly mischievous, she will take on the veneer of a more favourable divine kitsune to get humans to do her bidding, thinking they will receive a blessing on behalf of the goddess Inari.

Having few responsibilities and a long lifespan gives her all the time in the world to play with humans, and she seems to really enjoy their company, but because of her erratic nature, her actions tend to catch up with her and so it can never last. Aside from being an outlaw, she also has a habit of swearing her undying love and faithfulness to multiple people- sometimes for favours, other times just because she seems to get a kick out of it. She has been forced to flee multiple villages after being discovered.

Her abilities include charms, illusions, minor spells, glamours (changing appearance and voice), and partial reality distortion.

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