


4 years, 27 days ago


Yura: Gender fluid | Ageless | Double Demon |ENTP | Aroace Yura, suprisingly, is quite sprightly, with a fierce undertone. She is a very protective person of the things she finds most dear to her. She treasures the world they've created, the humans and animals and trees and seas, even after all these years she runs around it with her arms out. She likes to say shes spiritual just for the heck of it, even though the humans were created from their knowledge, the humans evolved and so did their ways. Yura wants to engage in every new human activity, wants to make friends with everyone she meets and she enjoys trying things that humans made up. She also enjoys their humour. Yura knows that Ostera loves her, she knows what Ostera wants, but she knows she can't give it. However, being a demon, born of everything that isn't, she is unable to love in the way she needs to. She plays with human things to fill her blackhole emptiness inside her, but she would kill for Ostera in a split second. * a low level fresh demon, born of antimatter being compressed in a black hole, the very substance that is anti everything, they became a sword smith, creating tools for torture. Yura was created in the middle of two colliding blackholes, during the explosion * There was an invasion from heaven who were trying to take the purgatory off of satans hands, in that battle the angels attacked the plague and disease corps. During this battle, Yura killed 4 of the angels that were in the attack which had them promoted to citadel guard. yura got in a fight with ostera but wasnt able to kill her because she wasnt pure light. * After this attack, heaven had taken the purgatory to use it to destroy hell, Satan then called an official war upon heaven. During the war, each corps was sent out one by one to face heaven as to save resources, the citatdel guard and satan were the last wave to be sent out to take on the seraphim and god head to head. during this last battle yura stole the purgatory which caused gods power to fall and satan took him out, after he was overhauled by seraphim and there were only two people remaining, ostera who had killed satan, and yura who had stolen purgatory. they were unable to kill each other.