Garnet Aster



4 years, 28 days ago


Garnet Aster, The Hedgehog:

  • Name: Garnet Dorothy Aster
  • Nicknames: Garnet The Hedgehog, The Crimson Fists.
  • Age: 19
  • Species: Hedgehog
  • Gender: Female
  • Height: 3’6”
  • Weight: Unknown, and she’s not telling.
  • IQ: 135
  • Marital Status: Dating Laguna the Octopus.
  • DOB: January 21st, 20XX
  • Birth Place: Old Megalo City, Monopole, United Federation (Note: Meant to be Metropolis Speedway from Free Riders)
  • Residence: Megalo Station District, Monopole, United Federation
  • Occupation: Professional Extreme Gear racer.
  • Social Class: Middle Class, though is a known star and minor celebrity in the Extreme Gear circuits.
  • Economic Class: Upper Middle Class
  • Ability Type: Power
  • Alignment: Hero
  • Team Affiliation: Team Gem (Leader of the team, with Laguna the Octopus and Amber the Kestrel as teammates.)

  • Top Speed: Unknown on foot, ???mph on her Gear.
  • Basic Stats (added numbers cannot exceed 40):
    • Agility - 3
    • Speed - 3
    • Strength - 8
    • Defense - 4
    • Evasiveness - 3
    • Dexterity - 5
    • Intelligence - 7
    • Skill - 7

  • Special Attacks:
    • Breaker Punch: A signature move of Garnet’s, this straight punch amplified by her metallic gloves is strong enough to leave a dent in concrete.
    • Stomp/Ground Smash: A downward punch or spin attack done from in the air, intended to allow Garnet to break through things underneath her.
    • Rapid Beatdown: Garnet proceeds to do a Jojo or Kenshiro-style series of rapid punches to absolutely blitz a foe.

  • Abilities & Aptitude:
    • Great Strength- Garnet is known to be quite strong, especially thanks to her robotic gloves, rivalling Knuckles the Echidna in that regard. She can punch a decent dent in concrete without harming herself, as well as break open a Badnik using only her fists.
    • Talented Rider- Garnet is an extremely skilled rider on her Extreme Gear, nearly rivaling the skills of Sonic the Hedgehog and Jet the Hawk when it comes to using it.
    • Mechanical Knowledge- Garnet knows enough about Extreme Gear through years of experience with them to be able to personally tune, repair, and upgrade her own gear, though she is by no means on par with the skill of Miles “Tails” Prower or Wave the Swallow in doing so.
  • Hobbies & Talents:
    • Extreme Gear Racing- Racing gears is Garnet’s life, and she’s quite good at it, reaching professional levels and winning several circuits with her skills.
    • Exercising/Working Out- Garnet likes to keep herself, fit, in-shape, and muscular, and so regularly does workouts to keep her body the way she likes it. Notably, she's been doing the same workout routine every day for the past 4 years, in the exact same order, without fail. She even did it while recovering in the hospital once she could.

  • Weaknesses:
    • Autophobia (Fear of Isolation)- Garnet greatly fears being alone for long periods of time, and as such prefers to be in the company of others. Thus she lives in an apartment and does a spectator sport, which eases her fear.
    • Pyrophobia (Fear of Fire)- She’s also feared open flames since the accident that burned her hands, and while the blowtorch she occasionally uses when working on her gear or everyday things like small candles won’t set it off, being trapped in a burning building or being faced with someone wielding a Burst Wispon would absolutely cripple her. In fact, on courses with large amounts of fire and lava, she’s noticeably nervous and sweating even if she isn’t near the fire or lava, and is using a great deal of focus to avoid freaking out. She can't even go to things like Hibachi restaurants without having a panic attack.
    • Lack of Speed- Contrary to the likes of Sonic and his pals, Garnet is not very fast on the ground at all, moreso matching the Werehog in speed. To even try to keep up with them, she would need her Extreme Gear. In fact, she is completely unable to perform a Spin Dash or Super Peel-Out, though she can curl up into a ball and do a Spin Jump.
    • Burned Hands- Underneath Garnet’s metallic gloves, her hands are covered in serious third-degree burns which even still haven’t completely healed from the accident. The gloves allow her to use her hands normally, but without them, the burning has rendered them nearly nonfunctional.

  • Personal facts:
    • Friends: Amber the Kestrel, Laguna the Octopus, Matzatzatl “Matty” the Raccoon, Peaches the Pomeranian, Dust the Sand Cat.
    • Rivals: Jet the Hawk (once raced against him and lost to him, it’s mostly one-sided and not very heated), ??? the Gazelle (her main rival in the Extreme Gear circuits).
    • Enemies: Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik, Infinite (she was part of the resistance against them during Forces), and others.
    • Known relatives: Dr. Opal Aster (Mother), Rubyn Aster (Father).
    • Likes/Favorite activities: Extreme Gear racing, listening to a lot of techno and rock music, being in the company of other people, 
    • Dislikes/Least favorite activities: People attempting to steal her stuff, open flames, being alone, people not listening to reason,
    • Gourmet of choice:
    • Beverages of choice: Cherry-flavored sports drinks.
    • Favorite color(s): Maroon
    • Personality: A kind spirit with a love of racing, Garnet Aster combines beauty, brains, and brawn into one hedgehog package. She’s strong enough to punch a dent in concrete, but is also intelligent enough to utilize her strength in a variety of ways, along with her very beautiful looks. But while she does have the bravery, willpower, and determination needed to race in the intense environments that Extreme Gear races sometimes bring her to, she’s not one for saving the world much, preferring to leave it in the hands of more capable and experienced individuals in the matter like Sonic the Hedgehog unless she gets dragged into the conflict. She’s usually levelheaded and tries to be a voice of reason (even getting slightly irritated when people around her make stupid and dangerous decisions), yet is deathly afraid of driving people away and being left alone, which is one reason why she puts up with some people's shenanigans. She also possesses pronounced pyrophobia stemming from her accident, her one greatest fear. But don’t think she’s just dumb muscle though, or it’ll be the last mistake you ever make.

  • Physical Appearance:
    • Fur/Quills Color: Maroon
    • Skin Color (i.e. muzzle, arms): Normal white human tone.
    • Eye Color: Light blue
    • Hair/Quill Style:
    • Nose: Black
    • Ears: Maroon with peach fur inside.
    • Tail: Maroon
    • Other bodily features: Her body’s slightly more muscular than you’d expect a female hedgehog like herself to be, with thicker limbs.
    • Attire: Black shirt and pants with a zipped up maroon vest, a silver belt with pouches on the side, maroon shoes with a white stripe down the center and black straps, black and white goggles with maroon-tinted lenses, and mechanical gloves on her hands. See her reference sheet for exact details.

  • Items & Weapons:
    • Quake Wispon: Modeled after the Gray Quake Wisp that was found on Lost Hex, this particular Wispon is another melee-based one, acting as even stronger fists with small pile-drivers in them to increase the damage on impact. While the lack of range is an issue, if one gets in close, they will be able to do a great deal of damage with these. In addition, if a Gray Wisp is found and utilized, the Gray Quake ability can be accessed, transforming the user into a gray stone sphere that can roll around and destroy obstacles. Garnet used this Wispon during her stint with the Resistance during Sonic Forces.

  • Vehicles:
    • Gem Breaker: Garnet’s pride and joy, her Board-type Extreme Gear that can Gear Change into a Bike-Type gear. Modified from an Accevive Corp. standard model by Garnet herself, its stats are average across the board, but it’s been tuned specifically to her riding style. When not in use, it transforms into a compact, almost suitcase-like form for easy carrying, a hallmark of all the gears from the “Zero Gravity” period, and Garnet can use her metallic gloves to magnetically grip onto it. Its stats are as follows:
      • Dash: 3
      • Limit: 4
      • Power: 3
      • Curve: 3
  • Theme Songs:
  • Ideal Voice Actor: Kari Wahlgren or Wendee Lee
  • Back Story: As a professional Extreme Gear racer from Monopole, Garnet’s lived a relatively nice life, taking up racing as her passion and quickly becoming a rising star in the circuits. That was until the day of a tragic accident where on a scorching hot course, Garnet lost control of her board and crashed in a horrific explosion. While she barely made it out alive, her hands had incurred severe nerve damage, burned and blackened with little to no functionality whatsoever in them, and she was left with crippling pyrophobia from the incident. It would’ve marked the end of her career…had a doctor not proposed a solution: a pair of specially-made metallic gloves based upon Heal Unit technology. While the burns are too severe to heal normally, the gloves enable the use of her hands while soothing and mending the pain as best they can. After 6 months in the hospital and therapy, Garnet’s back on the track and ready to show the world she’s not outta the game just yet.

Radical Spin Stats: 1 Edge, 2 Funky, 3 Bean, 4 Big, and 4 Heart.

Night Drifters Stats: 2 Power, 2 Ice, 2 Speed.

Underground Broadcast Stats: