
4 years, 21 days ago


Name: Aaniin (Ah-nee)

Gender: Female

Species: Western Wolf

Meaning of Name: ‘Hello or Welcome’ in Ojjibway

Personality: Motherly and Kind. She is patient and wise, offering her teachings to many that find themselves lost or in need of someone. 

Likes: Dreamcatchers, Feathers, Collecting trinkets.

Dislikes: Out of Control Fire.

Backstory: [In Progress] Aaniin was a regular Wolf but died during a great fire that was created by the gods to encourage regrowth during the Industrial revolution in the UK . Artio, the Celtic Goddess of Wild Life and Fertility found her body and sensed great potential to help others. Giving her life again Aaniin became a guardian for the lost and a protector of those in need.