Veesha Kali'il



Veesha Kali'il

Flirty . tease . smarter than he looks . lightning-quick

Name Veesha Kali'il
Called West Wind, Veesh, V, Hippie
Gender Male
Age Adult
Relationship Single
Occupation Main Attacker of the Four Winds
Height 239cm/7'8
Build Lean and mean
Race Varyna
Subspecies Zin'shi
Alignment Lawful Good


  • Teasing
  • His siblings
  • Pressing Kreela's buttons
  • Flowers
  • Incense
  • Being chummy with about everyone
  • Being silly
  • Ignoring personal space


  • Getting called overbearing
  • Flowers being trampled/destroyed
  • Anyone insulting his siblings
  • Getting mad
  • Harming the innocent
  • Prejudice


Veesha was created around 2013/2014, and the second Four-Wind to be made, just after Oeeha. He was the last to get development though. Said development made him the deepest of the four. There was a short comic featuring him, which never got finished.

Veesha's base was that he was the goofball of the four, and when I realized a hairband looked good on him, he also became a hippie of sorts. Pacifistic, flower power and all.

Character Summary

Many think Veesha is the youngest thanks to his laid-back and silly demeanor, but he's actually the closest to Oeeha in age, just one year and half apart. He spent most of his childhood observing Oeeha, just doing the minimum necessary to keep up. If Oeeha desires glory, he can have it, Veesha is more than happy to tag along.

He was the one who learned about the existence of a defunct rank of Royal Guard, the Four Winds, and informed Oeeha of this. Just a fun bit of trivia, he never expected his brother to try to revive it. He wants all four of them to be on it? Fine, no biggie. He'll make sure of the bare minimum needed to be worthy of the title.

As a Four Wind, Veesha is tasked with the position of being the group's main attacker. Kreela takes up that position most of the time, but when things really have to go down, Veesha will take care of everything. He's stronger than he looks, and by far the fastest of the four. He prefers wingblades and knives over other weapons, as those don't hinder his speed.

Veesha goes through controversy a couple of times for being sympathetic to humans. Zin'shi have no qualms about getting rid of human settlements in their lands. Veesha always opposed these ''systematic eradications'', as they're not pretty. He may be the most popular of the Four Winds in the looks department, he's the most disliked of the four due to his views.









