


4 years, 1 month ago


Name: Brookwhisper

Age: 32 moons

Gender/Pronouns: Molly, She/Her

Sexuality: Lesbian Ace

Rank: LagoonClan Permaqueen

Appearance: A dainty, short furred blue-silver tabby with white paws, a white muzzle, and cool blue eyes.


Brookwhisper is a soft-hearted and kind molly with a strong will to boot. Her rough start in LagoonClan came with a slew of strong opinions and an aversion to fighting. She knew, as she grew up, she didn't want to be a warrior, and that raising kits and helping new mothers was her calling. She's patient and sweet, and shows love to every kit that is born or shows up on the border, like her own kit, Moonpaw.

Born to two older warriors, Brookwhisper had no interest in fighting from a young age. Her parents were vicious fighters, and Applestar, before he died, gave her a mentor to toughen her up, one of the strongest and fiercest protectors of their rivers. Unfortunately, this only resulted in painful trauma related to fighting and battles, and completely drove the young Brookpaw away from it altogether. She knew she had to learn, or she wouldn't be able to be any use, but her friend Cloudpaw talked her down and convinced her to appeal to Applestar. He refused, and continued to allow her mentor to torment her. When Applestar died and Berrystar became the leader, Brookpaw talked to the leader, who had not only trained her in secret, but also listened to her troubles when she finished her sessions. Berrystar, sympathetic and hurting over his young friend's pain, approved her becoming a nursery helper, and later a permaqueen, training under Cinderflower, a molly 10 moons older than her but also had taken the same path as her.

Later on, as she trained and became a permaqueen, named Brookwhisper, and Cloudfeather the medicine cat, she spent a lot of time with her friend, often sharing tongues and going on hunting patrols with him. She soon realized her feelings for him were much more than they had initially anticipated. In the time that they had spent together however, Cloudfeather fell in love with a tom named Foxbriar, and they had become mates; though the Code claimed that he couldn't take a mate many, many moons ago, Berrystar was publicly against his cats following such a cruel and unjust rule. After some time, Foxbriar and Cloudfeather grew apart as a couple, but remained close and good friends. Brookwhisper approached Cloudfeather after a while, her unsure heart aching as she watched her friend. With some chatting between the two, they realized they felt the same about each other, and they became mates.

Not too long after that, a patrol had stumbled upon a kit on their border, who then brought him to Brookwhisper. She named him Moonpaw, and she raised him with the intent of him being her and Cloudfeather's kit.


Cloudfeather- Mate

Cinderflower- Queen mentor

Moonpaw- Adopted son