


3 years, 11 months ago


Found in the marketplace for free. Wouldn't have adopted it 'cause have plenty of my own characters but it asked and showed up in some drawngs of it's own accord so kind of figured that it was meant to be here. Putting it with Mutant guinea pig and hoping they get along. 

Gonna let it choose it's own name whenever it feels like it. (Did that with Pete the llama dragon morph. Weird night when A slightly terrfying evolving dragon peers through the pale and asks you it's name and your l ike damn dude  I don' tknow you can pick it and then it's like PETE and then you're like...ok weird name for  a slightly terrfyng dragon but I knd of lke what you did there. 

Dragon: wait why is it weird. 

Self:  dunno just like usually dragons have these complex names and stuff that are a little terrifying. 

Dragon: Why is pete not terrfying tho? Self: I don't know it just isn't but it's cool, that's what makes you a cool dragon, you took a name that wasn't like dragon-y and you're makng it your own. You'd be like a boring ass normal dragon otherwise.  Dragon: Should I change it? 

Self: No. It's perfect the way it is.  I think I was reading mmm around the tme so he heard the name when he was born and  look when you're just born it's hard to think of a name rght away. 

Dragon: But what if all the other dragons make fun of me for it?

Self: Heh, ...er wat  we'll just keep evolving you untl you can take on ...well..probs not the lke tolkien dragons cause you'd have to have like a century of readers to be comparable n dragon power, but we can get you past the rest of the normal every day someone just draws once dragons, those are a dme a dozen. You're past them already cause you have form a nd a name (that you picked yourself)  and have evolved and recurred n several drawings.

Pete the dragon llama morph to be specific about which pete:  Cool. 

Pete is literally on my shoulders durng the writing of this. =) he's about the size of a medium dog.  

Ferret: Ok wtf this is my character sheet

Self: Whoops sorry look  I don't know you that well yet, we'll get there, just come w hen I'm drawng and we'll see what's up.


Asked ferret what she could do. Apparently she is vicious and resilient. Which are both qualities we like a lot, particularly the resilience. OK  I can't wrte this with you just looking at the screen unless you want to describe yourself which is fine, and good.

She used to be someone's imaginary friend when they were a child. They grew up a long time ago. Now she just doesn't want to be ignored, cause it's lonely and boring and it's weird to be around them when they don't even acknowledge their existence anymore. Kind of heartbreaking, in a way.

She likes warm cuddles apparently. 

She says she'll do surveillance of screens but only in the house.  Also apparently behind the couches is really dusty. thanks. I haven't moved the furniture since I got home.

Ferret can write and likes stories aparently.