


4 years, 4 months ago


Name: Cinderflower

Age: 42 moons

Gender/Pronouns: Molly, She/Her

Sexuality: Lesbian

Rank: LagoonClan Permaqueen

Appearance: A long-furred black smoke molly with dark amber eyes.


Cinderflower is a really strange cat. Somedays shes a very sweet and kind cat with nothing on her mind but her family, the next day she's cocky and charismatic and energetic. Some cats think that she's got two completely different personalities in her head, but if you're close to her like Tawnytail is, you'll know that's just who she is. Both facets of her are all her, they aren't split off from anything in her head, she's just Like That. And it doesn't bother her family at all! sometimes she's outgoing, sometimes she's quiet, and that's okay. It certainly hasn't bothered her kits any.

Cinderflower, as a kit, was raised to worship the word of her leader. The leader's word is law and no matter what, they are to be listened to and obeyed, because that's how they were raised. So, she was raised to fight, and listen, and obey Applestar until her last breath. Though, other cats her age, like Tawnytail, really didn't stick to that rule. They brushed off the leader's word like it was nothing, and it shook Cinderflower to her core. She confronted cats like Tawny, and she berated the molly for being so rude and disrespectful to the leader. Tawnytail didn't understand what the smoke molly was going on about, but after a while they talked and they laughed, and Cinderflower got close to Tawnytail.

When the two started getting to know each other better, they got close, and soon became mates that worked to help each other grow. One fateful day, a bundle of fluff was dropped off to Cinderflower to take care of, and she valiantly accepted. This would be her first kit, and as the kit, know as Mottlepaw now, grew, at 4 moons old he welcomed his baby siblings, Sandykit, Amberkit, Lilykit, and Rosekit.


Tawnytail - Mate

Mottlepaw, Sandykit, Amberkit, Lilykit, Rosekit- Kits