


4 years, 1 month ago


Name: Dovefur

Age: 30 moons

Gender/Pronouns: Molly, She/Her

Sexuality: Lesbian

Rank: LagoonClan Warrior

Appearance: A tall, short-furred silver tabby molly with dark blue eyes.


Dovefur is a hardheaded fighter with a passionate spirit and a sharp tongue. There is nothing you can do or say to get you on her best side, because even those she respects greatly will be on the receiving end of her teasing. Getting water on her fur makes her incredibly uncomfortable, so she is one of the few LagoonClan cats that doesn't swim, dubbed a "drypaw". Most of the older warriors tease her about it, but her friends don't.

As a young apprentice, Dovefur had cemented herself as the kind of cat that others assumed would get into trouble all the time. She was harsh, aggressive and rude, and her mentor always thought she would be nothing but trouble. Thankfully though, she was a fantastic listener and enjoyed her mentor's company, and so she passed her assessment with flying colors. This was around the time she started to butt heads with another young almost-warrior, Sparrowpaw. Sparrow was quite fighty in her own right, and her and Dovefur would trade insults and paw swipes like cats shared tongues. Seeing Sparrowsky made her feel odd after they both became warriors, and it made Dovefur avoid and detest Sparrowsky.

They still fight, but behind it, a budding love is sprouting between the two. And neither of them know it yet.


Stumpybriar, Elmbrook: Parents

Sparrowsky: Crush