


4 years, 1 month ago


Name: Eaglemask

Age: 84 moons

Gender/Pronouns: Molly, She/Her

Sexuality: Lesbian

Rank: LagoonClan Warrior

Appearance: A thick-furred, white molly with a flash of brown across her face and dark green eyes


Eaglemask is what one may call a cold-hearted bastard. She is strict, stern, and extremely aggressive. She doesn't think before she acts, and it causes her a great deal of anger when she doesn't get her way. She has always been a loyal warrior, always the first up in a battle, and her answer to strife is always to defeat the enemy. While this has been accepted in the past, her actions and ideals now are against what Berrystar believes. She does, however, at least know how to love, as she has acquired a platonic partner that she has one kit with.

Eaglemask was born when LagoonClan was the most feared Clan in the whole forest. She learned that to be strong, you must fight, and you must win, and that's how she was raised. She knew nothing but using her claws and teeth to get through her life, and when Applestar took leadership, things started to change. Her way of life was being taken away from her, in lieu of a more peaceful life. She didn't know how to cope with the change, and so she grew bitter and angry at the new leadership. She was taught that her way should not be a normal way to negotiate and get along with the other Clans, and yet she refused to listen. Even when her and Hopeowl became close partners and they had Frostsong, her violent and warmongering ways never wavered. She made sure her kit was given a warrior she approved of to mentor them, and watched every moment they trained to make sure they behaved. She even used this method when she was given Blizzardface as an apprentice, making sure the young molly would be a rough fighter.


Hopeowl: Platonic partner

Frostsong: Kit

Blizzardface - Apprentice