


4 years, 1 month ago



Name Rumi
Species Serval(?)
Gender Feminine NB
Age Unknown
Orientation Bi
Height 5'2
Relationship Idk
Occupation Motel Receptionist + Artist

Rumi is my fursona. She represents how I think. Does she even have solid physical substance..? Nobody knows!


  • money
  • cute knick knacks
  • strawberries
  • drawing
  • immortality


  • lazy people
  • little kids
  • work
  • sleeping
  • high expectations


Rumi tends to be bossy, manipulative, and touchy at first glance. She doesn’t warm up to people quickly, instead observing and judging their every action until she deems them worthy. Generally not too talkative, Rumi will only strike up conversation if you speak first, but she’ll ease into it once you start talking about something she likes. Once you get to know her, she’s still generally quiet, and you usually need to talk to her first, but she loves to talk to you (though she won't admit it). Even after you bond, she likes to be in charge and have control in anything she can. An independent worker, she’s constantly afraid something will screw up if she does not lead. She puts on a confident and all-knowing visage in front of friends or people she is competitive with, but second guesses herself under pressure. She hates not being able to do what she wants- or being forced to do chores against her will- and will often complain and be sassy about it for a week. However, she really does appreciate anyone who spends time with her. She might not say it, but she's always having a blast! Though normally Rumi comes without clothes, she enjoys dressing up, preferably in sleeveless hoodies, sweaters, or loose shirts. Other accessories include various earrings, bracelets, collars, and miscellaneous jewelry.



»Rumi changes her claw color a lot. They are naturally black, but she often goes with gold, lavender, or teal.


»Her grey undershave is actually just fur that got too long that she trimmed stylishly.


»Rumi loves to wear lots of accessories, such as earrings, hair clips, and piercings! She doesn’t always wear them, though. She has many piercings in her ears.


»She doesn’t bleed normally, since she’s a part of my imagination. Her ‘blood’ is rather a gassy, plasma-like substance that floats. It is configured of dreams and thoughts- therefore, instead of feeling pain when she bleeds, she feels at rest. However, if she bleeds too much, she’ll dissipate into nothingness.
