


4 years, 1 month ago


Name: Flowerfall

Age: 30 moons

Gender/Pronouns: Trans Tom, He/Him

Sexuality: Gay

Rank: LagoonClan Warrior

Appearance: A long-furred, fluffy dilute tortoiseshell trans tom with golden amber eyes, and a torn ear.


Despite his large size, Flowerfall is gentle and loving, soft and squishy like his face. But don't let his gentle giant personality fool you; he is a smart tom, a clever fighter and a strategist. The second oldest of his litter, he is the smartest of his siblings, helping them to solve issues to the best of his ability. He's also quite the dense and oblivious tom at times, such as when he first started talking to Hazelfang. Before the two became mates, it was obvious to Flower's siblings that Hazel liked him, but Flowerfall could never pick it up himself, instead waiting about 15 moons until he finally made the move. And even now he still isn't really sure if Hazel likes him.

Born to a loyal LagoonClan cat and a former kittypet turned queen, Flower was kitted with 3 other siblings; a molly, Sparrowsky, a sibling, Iceflight, and their much smaller twin sibling, Cloudfeather. Flower was the biggest of the litter, with the roundest belly and the fluffiest fur. He was slated to be his parents' pride and joy, but then he became aware of his youngest sibling, and swore that he wouldn't become his parents' pride, he would become Cloud's. Not that their parents would ever hold such expectations above their kits, though, since neither of them were that kind of cat. But Flower had made his decision, and Cloud would be the brother he would swear to protect.

This didn't let up when the calico became medicine cat either. Flower, for all his softness, was fiercely protective of his youngest sibling, going so far as to accompany him to herb collecting patrols, just to be sure his sibling would be safe. However, this was also around the time he began talking to Hazelfang more, and worrying more on ruining his friendship with the tom than protecting Cloud. He slowly started to pull away from his protective nature- still being protective, but not overbearingly so.

At the age of 25 moons, Berrystar entrusted Flowerfall with the training of Hawkpaw, the son of the deputy. It was a big responsibility and Flowerfall was worried, but Lakeberry came forward and reassured the tom that no matter what, he would be proud of how far Hawk would come under him.

Once Flower and Hazel hit about 30 moons, the two started- after much sibling intervention- finally dating, becoming mates during a territory-based picnic by the river.


Blizzardface, Honeygaze - Parents

Sparrowsky, Iceflight, Cloudfeather - Siblings

Hazelfang - Mate

Hawkpaw - Apprentice