


4 years, 1 month ago


Name: Foxbriar

Age: 34 moons

Gender/Pronouns: Trans Tom, He/Him

Sexuality: Bisexual

Rank: LagoonClan Warrior:

Appearance: A long-furred, spiky, rusted black trans tom with white paws and chest fur with pleasant green eyes.


It's hard to see Foxbriar without a smile on his face. The warrior is cheerful and generous, taking pride in giving to the cats in his Clan, no matter what. Whether it's prey, quick first aid, or even just a cool little trinket he finds in the forest, it's going to any Clanmate that looks like they need it. Foxbriar is also desperately romantic, his heart as big as his whole body, and he gives his all in the relationships he finds himself in. He's truly a kind soul, however he's also fiercely protective, and when he feels like his friends are going to get hurt, he immediately jumps on the defensive. This can sometimes prove detrimental to the situation at paw, but it's worth it to make sure his friends stay safe and happy.

Foxbriar was born an only kit to older warriors, who passed away when he was an apprentice. His kithood was really nothing to write home about, but his friendship with the young Cloudfeather certainly was. The young soon-to-be medicine cat and the young apprentice were fast friends during their first time spending time together, laughing and playing mossball until their respective mentors pulled them away to train. From then on, they spent as much time together as they could. At a young age, the two became mates.

When both of them gained their full names, it wasn't hard to see that they were slowly pulling away from each other, and least of all Foxbriar. He noticed Cloud spending less time with him, his heart aching, but he soon realized that he had been doing the same too. The two of them talked about it, and decided together that it would be best to stop being mates and remain friends. And so they did, and they haven't been happier.

Foxbriar, from then on, cheered his friend on from the sidelines in every endeavor he found himself in relationship-wise, and supports the tom through and through. He will always love him, he knows that, but his love has shifted throughout the moons, and is now comfortably friendly. He even introduced himself to Brookwhisper, Rabbitheart and Littlemeadow when they started spending more time with Cloud, and the little friend grou has never been closer.


Cloudfeather - Ex-mate, best friend

Brookwhisper, Rabbitheart, Littlemeadow - Friends