


4 years, 1 month ago


Name: Frostsong

Age: 73 moons

Gender/Pronouns: Nonbinary, They/Them

Sexuality: Pansexual

Rank: LagoonClan Warrior

Appearance: A short-furred white nonbinary cat with nicked ears and amber eyes


Initially strictly obedient to their mothers, Frostsong has grown into a rebellious, curious and fiesty cat with an energetic streak that even exhausts their mates. They're a sneaky cat and enjoy playing pranks on the cats they hold dear to them because they think it's funny. It's never out of malice, of course, they just enjoy playing games. Their kit Ivorypaw also seems to think their personality is a bit too much sometimes, but hey, it's their special way of letting go of their mothers' strictness.

Frostsong was born to two of the strictest, toughest cats in the Clan, one cold and protective, and one violent and angry in regards to other Clans. They disapproved of most of Frost's kithood shenanigans, forcing them to shove it down and act like a proper, fierce warrior. It made them resentful of their moms, but they still loved them. They just... wished they'd lay off a bit. But, they trained diligently like their mothers wanted them to, and so they became fierce, just like they wanted.

They kept on like this throughout their entire apprenticehood and into their warriorhood, but to their surprise they realized they made a couple of friends along the way- Lakeberry, and a newcomer to the Clan training under him, Autumn. The three of them spent a lot of time together, and throughout their time together, grew to fall in love as a group. They each loved each other and supported each other, and Autumn, now named Autumnfeather, and Lakeberry did all they could to help Frostsong be the cat they wanted to be. After a long time of unlearning the oppressive violent nature of their parents, they finally re-emerged as the goofy, playful cat they'd always been.

After a few moons of the polyam group being together, Lakeberry wanted kits, a legacy to carry down with him. Thus, with Autumnfeather first, he had Hawkpaw, who looked just like his mom, and then a couple moons later, Frostsong carried and kitted Ivorypaw, who looked so much like Lakeberry.


Eaglemask, Hopeowl: Moms

Lakeberry, Autumnfeather: Mates

Hawkpaw, Ivorypaw (genetic): Kits