


4 years, 1 month ago


intersex (they/them), about 31, medic

Patient, kind, soft spoken, graceful, intelligent.

A larger than average seawing with a strange colour mutation that has left them partially blind in one eye and unable to fully speak aquatic. 

Born rather high up in the ranks of the palace with their father being a prince and their mother with a seat at the queens council, Layk never developed their love for politics and grew dissatisfied with palace life.
As soon as they turned of age they signed up for the military as a field healer, having spent much time in the infirmary as a dragonet to get away from their cousins, which in turn kindled an appreciation for caring for the sick and wounded.
The war ended after they served only two years so they left home to travel the oceans. They own a very small property on an island not far from the mainland but still within the sea kingdom territory. Here they own a simple house that is only lived in for maybe half the year and a flourishing garden, half of it growing around their hut and the other half in the sand and rocks under the water around the island.
They have a great understanding of many herbs and their beneficial properties from their time working as a healer and will sometimes go out of their way to help dragons they meet in their travels, they have been carrying a satchel of basic healing medicines just in case such a situation arises.

Their favourite food as a dragonet was squid but later in life developed an allergy to it, now settling to mostly snack on the shrimp that they gather from the ocean.

They have a habit of taking in any and all injured dragons or orphaned dragonettes they come across, having adopted and temporarily cared for a fair few young dragons.