Lysander ☆



4 years, 1 month ago



Name Lysander
Species elf
Age 27
Gender male
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Lysander is a terrible thief and a trouble magnet. 

After his younger siblings grew up and finally became able to support themselves, Lysander became enchanted with the idea of making very bad life decisions, just to prove himself that no-one's life depends on his choices anymore. As a result, he excercises his right to do just that.

Lysander's is a thief who believes that theft is not a crime if you reach to the right person's pocket- then it is just a fair reallocation of goods. It might have worked if Lysander had better intuition when it came to choosing the aforementioned pockets. Usually, his choices are bad enough to land him in quite serious trouble- and as a result he rarely stays in one place longer than few weeks. He seems to avoid certain cities- no doubt having made enough enemies there, that staying away is probably the most sensible option.
Lysander usually appears to be very open , charismatic, cheerful and positive person. He easily connects with others and is fairly good at getting them to open up. However, he struggles to fully let others in and it takes him a long time to feel completely comfortable with someone. He tends to set very high standards for himself- which he is not able to meet. He constantly wants to be perfect around those close to him so he is not above lying to please them. Lysander is terrible at respecting anyone’s privacy- he is just used to having none himself, being raised with five younger sisters. He has a very low self-esteem and is rather uncertain which cause him to second-guess himself often.
Despite that his journeys seem to take him mostly to larger cities he is not very fond of city life- having spent a great portion of his childhood in a tiny village hidden far away from most of the troubles the rest of the country has experienced. Being very scarcely populated, most of the jobs in there were being passed from parents to children. Lysander’s mother was a local medic and started teaching her son her own profession as soon as she was able to- first making him accompany her and later asking him to actively help her treating people. Even though Lysander was limited to performing small jobs- he learned a lot through practice.
But even though the village was fairly secluded, the nation-wide droughts, subsequent famines, and marching armies slowly made the area hard to inhabit. Being forced to leave, Lysander’s family along many others moved to the capital city. Due increased immigration to the city and overcowding - most jobs were underpaid. Despite still being a child, Lysander tried to help his parents by working in the mines and taking care of his siblings in spare time.
After his parents' death in the accident in the mine, Lysander turned to less legal ways of making money- and through trial and error he slowly learned everything he needed support himself and his younger siblings.


  • - carrot cake- He used to bake it with his mother on Monday evenings and later made it himself for his sisters
  • listening to stories- He is illiterate his mother started teaching to read him shortly before they moved to the capital- and later neither she nor her son had time for that as working in the coal mine took most of their day. Maybe due to his inability to read, he loves listening to stores- the more outrageous, the better.
  • jewelry- His jewelry is just a weird assortment of cheap trinkets and traditional jewelry with wooden beads or embroidered ornaments- he won all of these from his friend in a card game! Actually, Lysander is really terrible at any type of card games but Marisa, an orc woman married to one of his sisters, lets him win every time he plays cards with her so she won't have to watch him sulk. At first, she used to buy just the cheapest jewelry she could find on the market, but after a while she started to make them herself using her memories of jewelry popular among people of her village as a reference! She made the armbands Lysander likes to wear.
  • braiding hair- He loves braiding hair! Lysander's parents died when he was a teenager and he had to raise his younger sisters in their stead, and since it was a lot of work he rarely had time for himself- braiding hair was one of the small things he enjoyed and managed to find time for! He is really good at that- he practiced not only on his own hair, but on his sisters' as well.
  • turtles


  • trying new foods- Lysander is allergic to a lot of things, chocolate and different kinds of fruit especially.
  • crowds- Despite having lived in the capital city for most of his life, Lysander never got used to crowds. He appreciates the sense of anonymity the large gathering of people gives- however it never fails to make him anxious. The biggest gathering of people happened once a year when a church official visited to perform various ceremonies at once.

  • - Horses- Lysander not as much dislikes as he is terrified of these animals- and they seem to dislike him in return.



Lysander is not a vain person, but he does like taking care of his hair- it takes a lot of his time, but he finds it quite relaxing. He is really good at braiding hair- he helped braid his siblings’ hair for as long as he remembers.


Lysander’s education in the basics of medicine is the only form of education he had. Some of the remedies taught to him are quite primitive and while they are derived from local traditions they don’t correspond with anything taught at the universities- many are based on local flora not found anywhere else. He did try to study it more and learn it properly, but his illiteracy made this task nearly impossible. Lysander is quite good at making poultices for simple afflictions and treating common injuries- small tasks in which he was allowed to help his mother.


His tattoos are a result of a bet made while drunk- if not for Marisa's intervetion he would have ended up with someting much worse than just some flowers. Hs boyfriend of that time still sports a tattoo of a turtle on his forehead.

He has tatoos on his left arm and right leg!


- Lysander has a lot of freckles, if you're drawing him, please don't forget about them! - Lysander has three moles under his eyes (one under the right eye, two under the left one)



Marisa  [ Lysander's best friend, Ellina's wife]

Lysander met Marisa  as a child, after moving to the city and  worked in the mine along her. She was sixteen at the time when Lysander lost his parents and was left with five younger sisters in his care. Seeing how difficult it was for him, she kept helping him however she could and everything they experienced together made them inseparable.

-She is four years older than Lysander, and six years older than Ellina.

-Marisa is a very skilled seamstress, and after years of hard work she bought an old inn, which was for sale due to the previous owner's debts. 

- She was present when Lysander and Marius were getting their tattoos, and she stopped Lysander from deciding on one he would  definitely regret once he sobered up. However,she didn't stop Marius.

- Lysander admires Marisa and looks up to her very much.


Marius  [ ex-boyfriend ]

- Lysander won't mention him unless he is very drunk. 

- He is one of many reasons Lysander had to flee from the city.  

- Lysander was informed of the end of their relationship by offical announcement of Marius' betrothal to the local regent. 

- Marisa hates him. He is the one with the turtle tattoo on his forehead, which was without a doubt, Marisa's revenge.

-  Once, Marius gave Lysander chocolate as a birthday gift- that's when Lysander found out he is very allergic to it.


Ellina  [ younger sister]

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