


4 years, 4 months ago


Name: Greensecret

Age: 42 moons

Gender/Pronouns: Nonbinary, They/Them

Sexuality: Aromantic Demisexual

Rank: LagoonClan Warrior

Appearance: A short-furred, battered-up, chocolate nonbinary cat with white on half of their face and green-hazel eyes


Greensecret's rough and grizzled appearance may seem intimidating, but truthfully, this cat is probably the sweetest and kindest cat with the weirdest fascination with plants. They're not a professional, but LagoonClan relies on their gardening skills to keep their herbs nice and healthy year-round. They have trouble conveying their emotions, and despite their look, it's impossibly easy to make them cry. It's hard to express the things that make them sad without a voice, so they default to crying. Cats who see them cry are usually taken aback, despite it being a regular thing.

Born mute, Greensecret learned how to sign when they joined LagoonClan. They lived as a rogue for most of their life, dubbed Secret Keeper due to their inability to speak and communicate, so all they did was listen and see the things that other cats would much rather keep under wraps. Dealing with such terrible burdens like murders at such a young age took a toll on the 20 moon old, so they left the rogue group quickly, hiding their trail to make sure they were never tracked. They stumbled upon LagoonClan, a group of cats that could teach them how to communicate. When they were brought in, they were taught to sign, and picked it up quickly. Finally, finally, they could tell their story. As they shakily signed, tears spilling over, they told the cats that they found refuge with everything they knew.

The cats that were killed by their rogue group, the molly they once loved still with the rogue group who they could not longer trust, and the want- the need- to be a better cat than they were raised.

Keeping a piece of their name, the leader, Applestar, dubbed the young cat Greensecret, no longer paying homage to their unwanted skill to keep secrets, but their secret want to be away from the cats who hurt them, and that relief that they finally made it.


None ATM.