


4 years, 1 month ago


Name: Hawkpaw

Age: 11 moons

Gender/Pronouns: Trans Tom, He/Him

Sexuality: Questioning bi/pan

Rank: LagoonClan Apprentice

Appearance: A soft-furred, cinnamon trans tom with a narrow muzzle, a scarred neck, and yellow eyes


Hawkpaw is incredibly cocky. He hasn't been the deputy's son for that long, but he's still the deputy's son, so he has to be the best, of course. Though, despite his attitude and being so full of himself, he's still a well-behaved cat. His mentor, Flowerfall, in all of his patience, has been able to slowly wrangle the tom in, and just on time too- at 11 moons, the rowdy apprentice is close to becoming a warrior, and needs to have a level head when it comes to his assessment.

Hawkpaw had a relatively normal kithood. He was born to Autumnfeather and Lakeberry, with Frostsong as a third parent figure in his life. He was the only kit for a little while, his family making sure he grew up healthy. Two moons later, Lakeberry and Frostsong had a kit together, Ivorypaw, and Hawkpaw felt like he had to one-up his new sibling. He became the louder, more boastful of the siblings, and did his best to show off to the other cats.

He adores Flowerfall and is really excited to become a warrior.


Lakeberry, Autumnfeather, Frostsong: Parents

Ivorypaw: Sibling

Flowerfall: Mentor