Shane's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

chenichin Global Rules

Breaking any of my rules might result in a warning or blacklisting ! ! !
Blacklisted users permanently lose the right to get my designs, new or past, through any means, or could have ownership of previously bought designs revoked.

// O W N E R S H I P

✦ Once bought, you may claim the character(s) as your own, but:
___ do not claim the artwork as yours;
___ do not edit the original art;
___ do not trace it nor use it as a base;
___ do not use my art in any other way that breaks my rules.
✦ You can:
___ draw them or commission art from other artists (nsfw allowed);
___ use them for RP, writing stories, or any personal project that is non-commercial;
___ make profile pictures, icons, or banners with the art (for personal use);
___ give new outfits, hairstyles, weapons, and accessories;
___make slight edits to the character design like adding scars or tattoos, but always respecting the original design overall.
✦ Using my art/designs in any blockchain-related technology, including NFTs (non-fungible tokens), or cryptocurrency; or to train any AI (artificial intelligence), is strictly prohibited.

// T R A N S F E R R I N G

✦ You can trade, resell, or gift the design once you have fully paid for it.
✦ You can resell a design for its original price.
✦ If you have received one of my designs by trade or gift, you may only keep trading it or using it as a gift.
✦ If the design has any extra art you made/commissioned, you may add the prices of each individual piece to the original value of the design.
✦ Transfer of a design is allowed without my approval. The new owner will have to abide by this TOS.

✦ Read complete TOS here ✦