


4 years, 4 months ago


Name: Honeygaze

Age: 50 moons

Gender/Pronouns: Trans Tom, He/Him

Sexuality: Demiromantic Demisexual

Rank: LagoonClan Permaqueen

Appearance: A tall, lean, golden trans tom with white chest fur, three white paws, and tail tip, golden amber eyes, and a kinked tail


Honeygaze originated in the south, therefore he embodies "southern hospitality". He's kind, chivalrous, and has a fatherly air around him, even before he became pregnant. The tom has mellowed out significantly, but the golden tom used to be a rowdy upstart when he first encountered the Clan cats and his now-wife. Nowadays, he's quiet, with a clever streak and a love of play-fighting.

Born a kittypet and promptly named Cowboy, the tom's person moved him up north out of the southern heat into more temperate climates. Cowboy was an outdoor cat that his person owned, and typically stuck by his person whenever he could. He cared about the young man and wanted to be there for him through anything.

When they moved away from their hometown and north, Cowboy wandered the area in search of some fun and a present to thank his person. However, unbeknownst to him, he accidentally crossed a scent line to look around, and stumbled upon a small group of cats. One of them, a super pretty molly, in his humble opinion, sized him up, but obviously there was something in her eyes, something more than she was letting on. After a moment of chatting with the young cat, Blizzard decided she wanted him to join, so they took him to camp. Cowboy was worried about leaving his roots behind, but this was a new adventure and he wanted to explore it.

Dubbed Honeypaw and training under the patient older molly Ashenflash, he worked his way up to becoming a warrior and passed his assessment well enough. He was named Honeygaze, and he spent a lot of time with the molly that gave him a chance, Blizzardface. They chatted and spent time in the territory together, even taking a dip in the river together. After some time, he realized just how much he loved her, and so they became mates.

After a few moons of being together, the couple decided to try for some kits, and they were blessed with four kittens. Honeygaze realized how much he really liked being a father and a queen, and as such, he asked Applestar to allow him to become a permaqueen. And thus, he has lived in the nursery and helped raise kittens ever since his kits were born.

Oh yeah, also he brought his little cowboy hat with him to the Clan.


Blizzardface - Mate

Cloudfeather, Sparrowsky, Flowerfall, Iceflight: Kits

Ravenpool: Sister-in-law that he still thinks doesn't like him